a spread spect...
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Electromagnetic radiation of the base station Basil at a distance Figure 10.2 Definition of a coverage area, represented by gray shading. (a) As...Figure 10.3 Illustration of radiation patterns of the antennas used by Zoya an...Figure 10.4 Yoshi tries to orient his antenna in a way in which the interferen...Figure 10.5 Change in the coverage area depending on the directivity of the an...Figure 10.6 An example of an object that causes diffraction at low frequency, ...Figure 10.7 Illustration of the two-ray propagation from the sender Zoya to th...Figure 10.8 A detailed diagram of the LLCHannel (low layer channel) that shows...Figure 10.9 An example of a channel impulse response defined for the channel b...Figure 10.10 Illustration of the frequency selectivity in multipath channels. ...Figure 10.11 Scenario in which the direct path between Zoya and Yoshi is block...Figure 10.12 Illustration of the Doppler shift when Zoya transmits a sinusoida...Figure 10.13 Yoshi moves towards Zoya at a speed
, but the speed along the di...Figure 10.14 Illustration of the ideas to combat the multipath propagation. (a...Figure 10.15 A physical setup that corresponds to: (a) Rayeigh fading, without...11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Use of multiple antennas to support the communication between Zoya...Figure 11.2 Illustration of the propagation effects when the transmitter and t...Figure 11.3 Coverage area with directed antennas. (a) Passive directed antenna...Figure 11.4 Illustration of the distribution of the signals and interference w...Figure 11.5 Difference between superposition coding and nonlinear precoding. T...Figure 11.6 Example of spectrum sharing among three links by using digital bea...Figure 11.7 Illustration of a massive MIMO. Basil and Bastian are base station...
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Illustration of different use cases for connections that are fully...Figure 12.2 Communication scenario built around monitoring of a physical pheno...Figure 12.3 Illustration of the basic coverage options. BS1, BS2, and BS3 are ...Figure 12.4 Wireless mobile coverage achieved by cellular networks. Each base ...Figure 12.5 Macrocell versus small cell coverage. (a) The area of a macrocell ...Figure 12.6 One-way communication via a wireless relay that provides a backhau...Figure 12.7 Two-way communication via a wireless relay that provides a backhau...Figure 12.8 Two-way relaying that uses network coding. (a) Digital network cod...Figure 12.9 Yoshi performs a soft handover by being simultaneously served by B...Figure 12.10 Wireless coverage with cooperation and coordination among BSs int...Figure 12.11 Cooperative wireless communications. (a) Cooperative downlink tra...Figure 12.12 Providing wireless coverage through a system of interconnected BS...Figure 12.13 Illustration of three different architectures in the case of upli...Figure 12.14 Competition for wireless communication resources. Only desired li...Figure 12.15 Coexistence and spectrum sharing in unlicensed frequency bands. (...
1 Cover
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