Mark W. Spong

Robot Modeling and Control

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Lila Spong for proofreading the manuscript of the second edition, and also the many people who sent us lists of typographical errors and corrections to the first edition, especially Katherine Kuchenbecker and her students, who provided numerous corrections.

      Mark W. Spong

      Seth Hutchinson

      M. Vidyasagar

      Robotics is a relatively young field of modern technology that crosses traditional engineering boundaries. Understanding the complexity of robots and their application requires knowledge of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, systems and industrial engineering, computer science, economics, and mathematics. New disciplines of engineering, such as manufacturing engineering, applications engineering, and knowledge engineering have emerged to deal with the complexity of the field of robotics and factory automation. More recently, mobile robots are increasingly important for applications like autonomous vehicles and planetary exploration.

      This book is concerned with fundamentals of robotics, including kinematics, dynamics, motion planning, computer vision, and control. Our goal is to provide an introduction to the most important concepts in these subjects as applied to industrial robot manipulators, mobile robots and other mechanical systems.

      The term robot was first introduced by the Czech playwright Karel Čapek in his 1920 play Rossum’s Universal Robots, the word robota being the Czech word for worker. Since then the term has been applied to a great variety of mechanical devices, such as teleoperators, underwater vehicles, autonomous cars, drones, etc. Virtually anything that operates with some degree of autonomy under computer control has at some point been called a robot. In this text we will focus on two types of robots, namely industrial manipulators and mobile robots.

      Industrial Manipulators

      An official definition of such a robot comes from the Robot Institute of America (RIA):

      A robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.

      The key element in the above definition is the reprogrammability, which gives a robot its utility and adaptability. The so-called robotics revolution is, in fact, part of the larger computer revolution.

      Even this restricted definition of a robot has several features that make it attractive in an industrial environment. Among the advantages often cited in favor of the introduction of robots are decreased labor costs, increased precision and productivity, increased flexibility compared with specialized machines, and more humane working conditions as dull, repetitive, or hazardous jobs are performed by robots.

      The first successful applications of robot manipulators generally involved some sort of material transfer, such as injection molding or stamping, in which the robot merely attended a press to unload and either transfer or stack the finished parts. These first robots could be programmed to execute a sequence of movements, such as moving to a location A, closing a gripper, moving to a location B, etc., but had no external sensor capability. More complex applications, such as welding, grinding, deburring, and assembly, require not only more complex motion but also some form of external sensing such as vision, tactile, or force sensing, due to the increased interaction of the robot with its environment.

      Mobile Robots

      There are many other applications of robotics in areas where the use of humans is impractical or undesirable. Among these are undersea and planetary exploration, satellite retrieval and repair, the defusing of explosive devices, and work in radioactive environments. Finally, prostheses, such as artificial limbs, are themselves robotic devices requiring methods of analysis and design similar to those of industrial manipulators.