ACGIH | American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists |
AEPD | 2-amino-2-ethyl-1,3-propandiol |
AMP | 2-amino-2-methyle-1-propanol |
AMPD | 2-amino-2-methyl-1,3-propandiol |
Ar | Argon |
ASHRAE | American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers |
ASU | air separation unit |
ATR | autothermal reforming |
AZEP | advanced zero emission power plant |
BGL | British Gas Lurgi |
BoA | Braunkohlekraftwerk mit optimierter Anlagentechnik (lignite-fired or Brown coal-fired power station with optimised plant engineering) |
BOD | biological oxygen demand |
CA | carbonic anhydrase |
CAR | ceramic autothermal recovery |
CC | combined cycle |
CCS | carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage |
CF | correction factor (considers real gas effects) |
CFB | circulating fluidised bed |
CFBC | circulating fluidised bed combustion |
CH4 | methane |
CHP | combined heat and power |
CLC | chemical looping combustion |
CLM | contained liquid membrane |
CO | carbon monoxide |
CO2 | carbon dioxide |
COS | carbonyl sulfide |
CPO | catalytic partial oxidation |
DCC | direct contact cooler |
DEA | diethanolamine |
DEG | diethylene glycol |
DGA | diglycolamine |
DIPA | diisopropylamine |
DRA | drag reducing agent |
ECBM | enhanced coal bed methane |
ECO | economiser |
EDTA | ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid |
EG | ethylene glycol |
EGR | enhanced gas recovery |
EMC | electrochemically modulated complexation |
ENCAP | ENhanced CAPture project |
EOR | enhanced oil recovery |
ESA | electric swing adsorption |
ESP | ElectroStatic Precipitator |
EU | European Union |
EVA | evaporator |
EXH | exhaust (gas) |
FBHE | fluidised bed heat exchanger |
FGD | flue gas desulfurisation |
GDP | gross domestic product |
GE | General Electric Company |
GHG | GreenHouse Gas |
GWP | global warming potential |
H2 | hydrogen |
H2O | water |
H2S | hydrogen sulfide |
HCN | hydrogen cyanide |
HEED | hydroxyethylethylenediamine |
HEEU | hydroxyethylethyleneurea |
Hg |