M. Kemal Ozgoren

Kinematics of General Spatial Mechanical Systems

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cosφ2 ≠ 0, i.e. if d13 > 0, φ1 and φ3 can be found as follows, respectively, from Eq. Pairs 3.142,3.143,3.144,3.145 and (3.144)–(3.145) consistently with σ, without introducing any additional sign variable.







      1  Selection of the Sign Variable

      If σ = + 1 leads to images, then σ = − 1 leads to images, where


      Here, σ2 = sgn(φ2) as introduced before. As for images and images, they are two independent sign variables, that is, images and images but they are not necessarily equal. Although images and images look different, they are actually completely equivalent because they both provide the same transformation matrix as shown below similarly as done before for the 3‐2‐3 sequence.

equation equation

      According to Eq. (2.87) of Chapter 2 about the three successive half rotations,


      1  Singularity Analysis

      If cosφ2 = 0, i.e. if d13 = 0, the 1‐2‐3 sequence becomes singular and the angles φ1 and φ3 cannot be found from Eq. Pairs, which all reduce to 0 = 0. Such a singularity occurs if images with images. When it occurs, φ1 and φ3 become indefinite and indistinguishable. So, they cannot be found separately. Nevertheless, their combination denoted as images can still be found. The way of finding φ13 is explained below.

      In the singularity with images, Eq. (3.140) can be manipulated as follows by using the shifting formula given in Chapter 2.



      Hence, φ13 is found as



equation equation equation equation


      When the singularity occurs with images, images becomes