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A Guide to the Scientific Career

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you, and to be influenced by the things that you say i.e. a personal magnetism. Cabane, author of The Charisma Myth‐ How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism, states that the three main traits of charisma can be broken down into three categories: presence, power, and warmth, and when combined, these three components produce strong personal magnetism. Owen (2014) stated, “Charismatic people possess a potent blend of attractiveness and presence that commands attention with an irresistible magnetic force.” Therefore, many have equated charisma with magnetism.

      McKay and McKay (2013) state that presence is a key component of charisma and to develop this, one must do the following:

       Be in the here and now.

       Be physically comfortable.

       Keep eye‐to‐eye contact.

       Nod to signal that you are listening.

       Ask clarifying questions.

       Avoid fidgeting.

       Wait two seconds before responding in a conversation.

       Don't think about how to respond while person is talking.

      Antonakis et al. (2012) have identified key CLTs. Nine of these are verbal: metaphors, similes, and analogies; stories and anecdotes; contrasts; rhetorical questions; three‐part lists; expressions of moral conviction; reflections of the group's sentiments; the setting of high goals; and conveying confidence that they can be achieved. Three tactics are nonverbal: animated voice, facial expressions, and gestures. The authors mention that there are certainly other CLTs that leaders can use, such as creating a sense of urgency, invoking history, using repetition, talking about sacrifice, and using humor, but the 12 they describe can have the greatest effect and can work in almost any context. They also found that people who use them appropriately can unite their followers around their vision. They found that in 8 of the past 10 US presidential races, the candidate who used such verbal CLTs most often won the race. Also, these authors found:

      when we measured good presentation skills, such as speech structure, clear pronunciation, use of easy‐to‐understand language, tempo of speech, and speaker comfort, and compared their impact against that of the CLTs, CLTs played a much bigger role in determining who was perceived to be more leader‐like, competent, and trustworthy (Antonakis et al. 2012).

      Gustin (1973) has proposed that charisma is an explanation for scientific motivation. Wiseman stated that charisma is key to communicating science. Wiseman stated that charismatic people have the following three main attributes:

      1 They feel emotions themselves quite strongly.

      2 They induce them in others.

      3 They are impervious to the influences of other charismatic people.

      In order to be more charismatic, Reynolds (2013) suggests the following seven characteristics/techniques:

      1 Be prepared.

      2 Ask questions.

      3 Use your hands while speaking.

      4 Be genuinely interested in the people you speak with.

      5 Develop passions.

      6 Be energetic.

      7 Be optimistic.

      Wiseman has suggested adopting the following in order to improve your charisma:

       Use an open body posture that will help attract other people to you.

       Move around to produce the feeling of energy and enthusiasm.

       Speak in a clear, fluent, forceful, and articulate way that evokes imagery, energy, and action.

       Constantly alter the intonation and pacing of your delivery to maintain interest.

      In general, use an upbeat tempo, only occasionally switching to a slow delivery to create tension and to emphasis key points (Highfield 2005). Wiseman has also proposed the following specifics for becoming more charismatic:

       General. Open body posture, hands away from face when talking, stand up straight, relax, hands apart with palms forwards or upwards.

       To an individual. Let people know they matter and you enjoy being around them, develop a genuine smile, nod when they talk, briefly touch them on the upper arm, and maintain eye contact.

       To a group. Be comfortable as leader, move around to appear enthusiastic, lean slightly forward, and look at all parts of the group.

       Message. Move beyond status quo and make a difference, be controversial, new, simple to understand, counterintuitive.

       Speech. Be clear, fluent, forceful, and articulate, evoke imagery, use an upbeat tempo, occasionally slow for tension or emphasis.

      Owen (2014) has suggested the following five characteristics are found in a charismatic individual:

       High self‐esteem. Confidence, inner calm, self‐reliance, and independence

       A driving force. Purpose, personal values, and principles

       Sensory awareness. Empathy and emotional intelligence

       A vision. Positive attitude toward aim, belief, mental picture
