Joel P. Dunsmore

Handbook of Microwave Component Measurements

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noise sources, the effect of the noise sources is to produce noise power waves that may be treated similarly to normalized power waves, a and b.

Schematic illustration of the circuit diagram of an amplifier with internal noise sources.

      The source termination produces an incident noise wave aNS and adds to the internal noise created in the amplifier, which can be represented as an input noise source aNamp. There are scattered noise waves represented by the noise emitted from the input of the amplifier, bN1, and the noise incident on the load is bN2. From this figure, one can make a direct comparison to the S‐parameters and see that reflected noise power might add or subtract to the incident noise power and affect the total noise power. However, at the input of the amplifier, the noise generated inside the amplifier is in general not correlated with the noise coming from the source termination so that they don't add together in a simple way. Because of this, the noise power at the output of the amplifier, and therefore the noise figure, depends upon the source impedance in a complex way. This complex interaction is defined by two real valued parameters and one complex parameter, known collectively as the noise parameters. The noise figure at any source reflection coefficient may be computed as


      Up to now, all the parameters described have been under the consideration that the DUT is linear. However, when a DUT, particularly an amplifier, is driven with a large signal, non‐linear transfer characteristics become significant, leading to an entirely new set of parameters used to describe these non‐linear characteristics.

       1.6.1 Harmonics

      One of the first noticeable effects of large signal drive is the generation of harmonics at multiples of the input frequency. Harmonics are described by their order and either by their output power or, more commonly, by the power relative to the output power of the fundamental, and almost always in dBc (dB relative to the carrier). Second harmonic is short for second‐order harmonic and refers to the harmonic found at two times the fundamental, even though it is in fact the first of the harmonic frequency above the fundamental; third harmonic is found at three times the fundamental, and so on. Surprisingly, there are not well‐established symbols for harmonics; for this book, we will use H2, H3 … Hn to represent the dBc values of harmonics or order 2, 3 … respectively. In Chapter 6, the measurements of harmonics are fully developed as part of the description of X‐parameters and utilize the notation b2, m to describe the output normalized wave power at port 2 for the mth harmonic. A similar notation is used for harmonics incident on the amplifier.

Graph depicts an output power of harmonics of an amplifier.

       1.6.2 Second‐Order Intercept

      This pattern of increasing power as the input power is increased, but to the slope related to the order of the harmonic, cannot continue indefinitely or the harmonic power would exceed the fundamental power. While theoretically possible, in practice the harmonic power saturates just as the output power does and never crosses the level of the output power. However, if one uses the lower power regions to project a line from the fundamental and each of the harmonics, they will intersect at some power, as shown in Figure 1.6. The level that these lines converge is called the intercept point, and the most common value is the second‐order intercept (SOI), and intercept points beyond third order are seldom used.

       1.6.3 Two‐Tone Intermodulation Distortion

Graph depicts the measurement of a two-tone signal at the input and output of an amplifier.


      And more generally

