Laurence Robb

Introduction to Ore-Forming Processes

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deposits form when a useful commodity is sufficiently concentrated in an accessible part of the Earth's crust so that it can be profitably extracted. The processes by which this concentration occurs are the topic of this book. As an introduction it is pertinent to consider the range of concentration factors that characterize the formation of different ore deposit types. Some of the strategically important metals, such as Fe, Al, Mg, Ti, and Mn, are abundantly distributed in the Earth's crust (i.e. between about 0.5% and 10%) and only require a relatively small degree of enrichment in order to make a viable deposit. Table 1 shows that Fe and Al, for example, need to be concentrated by factors of 9 and 4 respectively, relative to average crustal abundances, in order to form potentially viable deposits.

      Source: Average crustal abundances from Rudnick and Gao (2014). Reproduced with permission of Elsevier.

Average crustal abundance Typical exploitable grade Approximate concentration factor
Al 8.4% 30% ×4
Fe 5.2% 50% ×9
Cu 27 ppm 1% ×370
Ni 59 ppm 1% ×170
Zn 72 ppm 5% ×700
Sn 1.7 ppm 0.5% ×2900
Au 1.3 ppb 2 g t−1 ×1500
Pt 1.5 ppb 5 g t−1 ×3300

      Note: 1 ppm is the same as 1 g t−1.

      By contrast, base metals such as Cu, Zn, and Ni are much more sparsely distributed and average crustal abundances are only in the range 30–70 parts per million (ppm). The economics of mining dictate that these metals need to be concentrated by factors in the hundreds in order to form potentially viable deposits – degrees of enrichment that are an order of magnitude higher than those applicable to the more abundant metals. The degree of concentration required for the precious metals is even more demanding, where the required enrichment factors are in the thousands. Table 1 shows that average crustal abundances for Au and Pt are in the range 1–2 parts per billion (ppb) and even though mines routinely extract these metals at grades of around 1–5 g t−1, the enrichment factors involved are between 1000 and 3000 times.

Graph depicts the plot of global production against crustal abundances for a number of metal commodities. The line through Fe can be regarded as a datum against which the rates of production of the other metals can be compared in the context of crustal abundances.

      Source: After Einaudi (2000).

      Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves

      Throughout this book reference is made to the term “ore deposit” with little or no consideration of whether such occurrences might be economically viable. Although such considerations might seem irrelevant in the present context, it is necessary to emphasize that professional institutions now insist on the correct definition and usage of terminology pertaining to exploration results, mineral resources, and ore reserves. Such terminology should be widely used and applied, as it helps to reduce the incorrect, and sometimes irresponsible, usage of terminology in reports on which, for example, investment decisions might be based. Correct terminology can also assist in the description and identification of genuine ore deposits from zones of marginal economic interest or simply anomalous concentrations of a given commodity.

Schematic illustration of the conceptual difference between mineral resources and ore reserves as applied to mineral occurrences. This scheme forms the basis for a more unified description of ore deposits as now required in terms of legislation that has been passed in most major mineral producing jurisdictions.