Murray J. Munro

Applying Phonetics

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Foreword How to use this book

      5  Acknowledgments

      6  About the Companion Website

      7  Part I: What Is Speech? 1 Introducing Phonetics: The Science of Speech 1.1 speech, language, and communication 1.2 the sound structure of speech 1.3 phonetics as a field of study 2 The Human Vocal Tract 2.1 the vocal apparatus 2.2 making speech for further reading 3 Sound, Spelling, and Phonetic Transcription 3.1 why do speech specialists need a phonetic alphabet? 3.2 phonetic transcription for further reading 4 The Sounds of Language 4.1 consonants 4.2 vowels 4.3 speech sounds in other languages for further reading 5 Beyond Segments 5.1 syllables 5.2 stress 5.3 rhythm 5.4 intonation for further reading

      8  Part II: Speech as a Human Phenomenon 6 The Origins of Speech 6.1 our place in evolution 6.2 how special is speech? for further reading 7 Speech Across the Lifespan 7.1 anatomical development from infancy to the teens 7.2 the development of speech perception 7.3 childhood speech production 7.4 speech in adulthood 7.5 aging for further reading 8 When Things Go Wrong: Disorders of Speech 8.1 cleft lip and cleft palate 8.2 stuttering 8.3 laryngectomy 8.4 aphasias 8.5 some additional disorders 8.6 the role of speech–language pathologists 8.7 transcribing disordered speech for further reading

      9  Part III: Applying Phonetics 9 Machines that Talk 9.1 the history of speech synthesis 9.2 the nature of synthetic speech 9.3 the secret life of text‐to‐speech systems 9.4 how good is your speech synthesizer? 9.5 the future of synthetic speech for further reading 10 Forensic Speech Science 10.1 earwitness identification 10.2 expert speaker identification: whose speech is on that threatening voicemail? 10.3 speaker profiling: what does the sound of a voice tell us about its owner? 10.4 disputed utterance analysis: was that really a confession? 10.5 other applications 10.6 some closing thoughts for further reading 11 Pronunciation Teaching 11.1 second‐language learning and accented speech 11.2 the nature of L2 accents 11.3 analyzing L2 speech 11.4 L2 accents and communication 11.5