Murray J. Munro

Applying Phonetics

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pronunciation in second‐language instruction for further reading 12 Phonetics for Stage, Screen, and Concert Hall 12.1 accents for actors 12.2 some applications in vocal music for further reading 13 More Applications in Arts and Entertainment 13.1 speech and animation 13.2 invisible speech: the paradox of ventriloquism 13.3 the sounds of constructed languages for further reading 14 Phonetics in the Business World (and Beyond) 14.1 automatic speech recognition 14.2 the surprising story of the vocoder 14.3 speech in branding and marketing for further reading 15 Ethical Issues 15.1 talking about speech 15.2 speech science versus speech science fiction 15.3 other ethical concerns for further reading

      10  Epilogue

      11  Appendix North American English Consonants Key Words for English Consonants Monophthongs Used in North American English (with Key Words) Diphthongs Used in North American English (with Key Words)

      12  Glossary

      13  List of Sources

      14  Index

      15  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Exapted Structures Used for SpeechTable 2.2 Speech Production Mechanisms

      2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Examples of Monkey in Different Writing SystemsTable 3.2 Comparison of Several Transcription Systems

      3 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Manners of articulation for English ConsonantsTable 4.2 Places of articulation for English ConsonantsTable 4.3 Descriptors for English VowelsTable 4.4 Monophthongs used in North AmericaTable 4.5 Rhotic Vowels of EnglishTable 4.6 Diphthongs used in North America

      4 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Examples of Stress Patterns in English MonosyllablesTable 5.2 Occurrences of Lexical Stress Patterns in English

      5 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Examples of English Children's Segmental Mispronunciations

      6 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Examples of Speech Rehabilitation for LaryngectomeesTable 8.2 Examples of Disordered Productions Represented in ExtIPA

      7 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Sequence of Articulatory and Acoustic Events in the WordSpeakTable 9.2 Words for Automatic Transcription

      8 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Examples of Forensic Phonetic WorkTable 10.2 Possible Outcomes of an Earwitness Identification TestTable 10.3 Some Mechanisms for Disguising the Voice

      9 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Examples of Consonant and Vowel Features of Some Non‐Native Accent...Table 11.2 The Multidimensional Nature of Speech

      10 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Examples of AAVE PronunciationsTable 12.2 General American Vowel + /ɹ/ Pronunciations and Their RP Equivalen...Table 12.3 General American versus Australian VowelsTable 12.4 Examples of “Survey Sentences” for Student Practice inSpeak With D...Table 12.5 Fundamental Frequencies of Selected Musical Notes

      11 Chapter 13Table 13.1 The McGurk Effect for Plosive ConsonantsTable 13.2 Examples of Klingon Consonants

      12 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Examples of IdeophonesTable 14.2 Design of Chattopadhyay et al.'s (2003) Study on Response to Speec...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Classification of communication typesFigure 1.2 Acoustic waveform (top) and spectrogram (bottom) of “The museum h...Figure 1.3 Core branches of phoneticsFigure 1.4 Waveforms and spectrographic representations of a cat's meow (top...

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 The “chain” connecting speaker and listener during speechFigure 2.2 Structures used during pulmonary ventilationFigure 2.3 Structure of the human larynxFigure 2.4 The vocal folds viewed from aboveFigure 2.5 States of the glottis: traditional characterization of phonation ...Figure 2.6 Transnasal endoscopeFigure 2.7 Detailed vocal anatomyFigure 2.8 Parts of the tongue

      3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Examples of one‐to‐many (left) and many‐to‐one (right) spelling‐t...