Murray J. Munro

Applying Phonetics

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the reverse. Nor is it true that printed texts are good models of how we should speak. It is true, however, that written style in many languages differs from spoken style. The formal usage in English academic textbooks is quite different from everyday spoken English, while English speech and writing are much more similar in other situations such as text messaging. For that reason, we cannot regard writing and speaking as different manifestations of the same thing. Sometimes they are very close; other times they are not.

      1.3.1 branches of phonetics

      Articulatory phonetics covers the anatomy and physiology of speech, with a focus on the structures we use to generate vocal sounds, such as the tongue, lips, nose, and larynx, and on the ways in which these anatomical components function together. An understanding of normal articulation is essential for helping people with speech disorders, who may need the assistance of a speech–language pathologist. A child who has undergone surgery for a cleft palate, for instance, may experience production difficulties that can be remedied by a speech professional. The domain of auditory phonetics is the structures and processes through which the human auditory system decodes the speech stream into meaningful messages. Numerous insights into child language acquisition have been gained because of perceptual research within this branch of the field. Finally, acoustic phonetics addresses the physical properties of the speech sounds themselves, often through analyses like the ones depicted in Figure 1.2. Thanks to acoustic‐phonetic research, we are able to synthesize the intelligible, natural‐sounding speech now available on computers, phones, and other household devices.

      It will help you to remember the core areas of phonetics if you think of them as the three As: Articulatory, Auditory, and Acoustic.

      Though the core branches provide us with one way of appreciating the nature of the field, another set of descriptors can be used to characterize phoneticians' approaches to their work. Historically, phonetics has relied extensively on the trained human ear, and even today, careful listening and skillful transcription are fundamental to IMPRESSIONISTIC phonetics. Some highly skilled phoneticians have played a key role in criminal cases by providing ear‐based analyses of threatening phone calls. However, thanks to the technological advances of the twentieth century, INSTRUMENTAL phonetics has taken a more prominent role than ever before. It involves the use of a variety of sophisticated tools for imaging the vocal tract during speech and for pinpointing important acoustic details. A third approach, the most recently developed, which we will refer to as AUTOMATIC SPEECH PROCESSING, uses artificial intelligence ( AI ) for a variety of purposes, including computer recognition of speech, forensic voice identification, and speech synthesis.

      Cat‐to‐Human: Feed Me!

Image described by caption.

      for further thought, analysis, and discussion

      1 Find an audio or video recording of a politician, entertainment figure, or sports personality responding extemporaneously (without preparation) to questions during an interview. Write out several of the speaker's utterances, including any hesitation forms like “um” or “ah” and any speech errors. Identify some of the ways in which the speaker's productions differ from written language.

      2 With a classmate, discuss how many phones you think occur in each of the words below. Suggested answers are provided on the APSSEL website.a) mape) speechi) cheeseb) shotf) schoolj) tickc) fixg) waitedk) oftend) wheath) marchedl) epitome

      3 Record yourself producing the words in item 2 using Praat, and examine the waveforms and spectrograms. (Consult the APSSEL website for basic instructions.) First, consider the appearance of the