Jane Flint

Principles of Virology, Volume 1

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Can Cause Human Disease Viruses Can Be Beneficial Viruses “R” Us Viruses Can Cross Species Boundaries Viruses Are Unique Tools To Study Biology

        Virus Prehistory Viral Infections in Antiquity The First Vaccines Microorganisms as Pathogenic Agents

        Discovery of Viruses

        The Defining Properties of Viruses The Structural Simplicity of Virus Particles The Intracellular Parasitism of Viruses

        Cataloging Animal Viruses The Classical System Classification by Genome Type: the Baltimore System

        A Common Strategy for Viral Propagation



        Study Questions


       Video: Interview with Dr. Donald Henderson http://bit.ly/Virology_Henderson

       This Week in Virology (TWIV): A weekly podcast about viruses featuring informal yet informative discussions and interviews with guests about the latest topics in the field http://www.microbe.tv/twiv

       Marine viruses and insect defense http://bit.ly/Virology_Twiv301

       Giants among viruses http://bit.ly/Virology_Twiv261

       Whiter reefs, fresh breath http://www.microbe.tv/twiv/twiv-391/

       Latest update of virus classification from the ICTV https://talk.ictvonline.org/taxonomy/

       The abundant and diverse viruses of the seas http://bit.ly/Virology_3-20-09

       How many viruses on Earth? http://bit.ly/Virology_9-6-13

      F. LOEFFLER, 1898

      “There is an intrinsic simplicity of nature and the ultimate contribution of science resides in the discovery of unifying and simplifying generalizations, rather than in the description of isolated situations—in the visualization of simple, overall patterns rather than in the analysis of patchworks.” More than half a century has passed since Salvador Luria wrote this credo in the introduction to the classic textbook General Virology.

      Despite an explosion of information in biology since Luria wrote these words, his vision of unity in diversity is as relevant now as it was then. That such unifying principles exist may not be obvious considering the bewildering array of viruses, genes, and proteins recognized in modern virology. Indeed, new viruses are being described regularly, and viral diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), hepatitis, and influenza continue to challenge our efforts to control them. Yet Luria’s credo still stands: even as our knowledge of viruses continues to increase, it is clear that their reproduction and survival depend on similar pathways. This insight has been hard-won over many years of observation, research, and debate; the history of virology is rich and instructive.

      Viruses are microscopic infectious agents that can reproduce only inside a cell that they infect: they are obligate parasites of their host cells. Viruses spread from cell to cell via infectious particles called virions, which contain genomes comprising RNA or DNA surrounded by a protective protein coat. Upon particle entry and disassociation in a host cell, the viral genome directs synthesis of viral components by cellular systems. Progeny virus particles are formed in the infected cell by de novo self-assembly from the newly synthesized components.

      As will be discussed in the following chapters, advances in knowledge of the structure of virus particles and the mechanisms by which they are produced in their host cells have been accompanied by increasingly accurate definitions of these unique agents. The earliest pathogenic viruses, distinguished by their small size and dependence on a host organism for reproduction, emphasized the importance of viruses as agents of disease. But there are many other important reasons to study viruses.

      Viruses Are Everywhere

      PRINCIPLES Foundations

       Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites and depend on their host cell for all aspects of their reproduction.

       The field of virology encompasses viral discovery; the study of virus structure and reproduction; and the importance of viruses in biology, ecology, and disease.

       This text focuses primarily on viruses