of flaviviruses. (A) Virus particle...Figure 10 Infectious cycle. (1) The virus particle binds to a cell surface rec...Figure 11 Structure and genome organization of orthohepadnaviruses. (A) Virus ...Figure 12 Infectious cycle of hepatitis B virus. (1) The virion attaches to a ...Figure 13 Structure and genome organization of alphaherpesviruses. (A) Virus p...Figure 14 Infectious cycle of herpes simplex virus type 1. (1) Virions bind to...Figure 15 Structure and genome organization of the orthomyxovirus influenza A vi...Figure 16 Infectious cycle of influenza A virus. (1) The virion binds to a sia...Figure 17 Structure and genome organization. (A) Virus particle structure. Ima...Figure 18 Infectious cycle. (1) The virion attaches by binding to specific rec...Figure 19 Structure and genome organization of adenovirusassociated virus (AAV)...Figure 20 Infectious cycle of adenovirusassociated virus (AAV). Heparan sulfa...Figure 21 Structure and genomic organization of poliovirus. (A) Virus particle...Figure 22 Infectious cycle of poliovirus. (1) The virion binds to a cellular r...Figure 23 Structure and genome organization of simian virus 40. (A) Virus part...Figure 24 Infectious cycle of simian virus 40. (1) The virus particle attaches...Figure 25 Structure and genome organization of the poxvirus vaccinia virus. (A...Figure 26 Infectious cycle of vaccinia virus. (1) After receptor binding and f...Figure 27 Structure and genomic organization of an orthoreovirus. (A) Virus pa...Figure 28 Infectious cycle of orthoreovirus. (1) The virion binds to cellular ...Figure 29 Structure and genomic organization. (A) Virus particle structure. Th...Figure 30 Infectious cycle of a retrovirus with a simple genome. (1) The virus...Figure 31 Structure and genomic organization of vesicular stomatitis virus. (A...Figure 32 Infectious cycle. (1) The virion binds to a cellular receptor, such ...Figure 33 Structure and genomic organization. (A) Virus particle structure. Th...Figure 34 Infectious cycle. (1) The virion binds to a cellular receptor and en...
1 Cover
2 Table of Contents
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