Michael G. Solomon

Blockchain Data Analytics For Dummies

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from concept to deployment poses the greatest current difficulty for blockchain adoption.

      Finding a good fit

      The first step in successfully implementing blockchain technology in any environment is finding a good-fit use case. It doesn’t make any sense to jump into blockchain just because it’s new and cool. It has to make sense for you and your organization. That statement sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised how many organizations want to chase the shiny object that is blockchain.

      Blockchain has many benefits, but three of the most common are data transparency, process disintermediation (removing middlemen), and persistent transaction history. The best-fit use cases for blockchain generally focus on one of these benefits. If you have to look hard at how blockchain technology can meet the needs of your organization, it may be best to wait until there is a clear need.

      I find that the most successful blockchain implementations are those that start with clear goals that align with blockchain. For example, suppose a seafood supplier wants to be able to trace its seafood back to the source to determine if it were caught or harvested in the wild using humane and sustainable methods. A blockchain app would make it possible to manage seafood from the point of collection all the way to the consumer’s purchase. Any participant along the way, including the consumer, can scan a tag on the seafood and find out when and where it was originally caught.

      To increase the probability of a successful blockchain project, start with a clear description of how the technology aligns with project goals. Trying to fit blockchain to an ill-suited use case leads to frustration and ultimate failure.

      Integrating with legacy artifacts

      After you determine that blockchain is a good fit for your environment, the next step is to determine where it fits in the workflow. Unless you're building a new app and workflow, you’ll have to integrate with existing software and infrastructure.

      If you are creating something new, the only considerations revolve around how your app stores the data it needs. Will you store everything on the blockchain? It may not make sense to do that. For example, blockchain does a great job at handling transactional data and keeping permanent audit trails of changes to data. Do you need that for customer information?

      You may find that only part of your app data should be stored on the blockchain. It may make more sense to store supporting data in off-chain data repositories. (Now that we’re in the blockchain era, legacy databases are called off-chain repositories.) If this is the case, your app will have to integrate with the blockchain and the off-chain repository.

      In many cases, people are integrating new blockchain functionality with legacy applications and data. This integration effort could include introducing both new blockchain functionality and moving existing functionality to a blockchain environment. Although this task may sound straightforward, integrating with legacy systems involves many subtle implications.

      Legacy systems define notions of identity, transaction scoping (defining how much work is accomplished in a single transaction), and performance expectations. How will your new app associate legacy identities with blockchain accounts? How will you adhere to your existing application’s notion of traditional transactions? If your application supports rolling back a transaction, how will your blockchain do this? And lastly, will the integration of blockchain maintain sufficient performance or will it slow down the legacy application? Will the legacy application’s users have to wait for blockchain transactions, or will they be able to carry out work like they did before the blockchain implementation?

      Scaling to the enterprise

      The last question in the preceding section leads well into one of the biggest current obstacles to blockchain adoption. Scaling performance to an enterprise scale is an ongoing pursuit that hasn’t been completely resolved. Most enterprise applications use legacy database management systems to store and retrieve data. These data repositories have been around for decades and have become efficient at handling vast amounts of data.

      Performance isn’t the only limiting factor when assessing blockchain for the enterprise. Integration with legacy artifacts and the ease with which the blockchain infrastructure fits into the existing enterprise IT infrastructure are concerns as well. Do all blockchain nodes require new virtual or physical hardware? Can the new nodes run on existing servers? What about network connectivity? Will existing network infrastructure support the new blockchain network? These are only a few of the many questions that enterprises must answer before deploying a blockchain integration project.

      In 2008, Bitcoin was the only blockchain implementation. At that time, Bitcoin and blockchain were synonymous. Now hundreds of different blockchain implementations exist. Each new blockchain implementation emerges to address a particular need and each one is unique. However, blockchains tend to share many features with other blockchains. Before examining blockchain applications and data, it helps to look at their similarities.

      Categorizing blockchain implementations

      One of the most common ways to evaluate blockchains is to consider the underlying data visibility, that is, who can see and access the blockchain data. And just as important, who can participate in the decision (consensus) to add new blocks to the blockchain? The three primary blockchain models are public, private, and hybrid.

      Opening blockchain to everyone

      Public blockchain implementations, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, depend on a consensus algorithm that makes it hard to mine blocks but easy to validate them. PoW is the most common consensus algorithm in use today for public blockchains, but that may change. Ethereum is in the process of transitioning to the Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, which requires less computation and depends on how much blockchain currency a node holds. The idea is that a node with more blockchain currency would be affected negatively if it participates in unethical behavior. The higher the stake you have in something, the greater the chance that you’ll care about its integrity.

      Because public blockchains are open to anyone (anyone can become a node on the network), no permission is needed to join. For this reason, a public blockchain is also called a permissionless blockchain. Public (permissionless) blockchains are most often used for new apps that interact with the public in general. A public blockchain is like a retail store, in that anyone can walk into the store and shop.

      Limiting blockchain access

      The opposite of a public blockchain is a private blockchain, such as Hyperledger Fabric. In a private blockchain, also called a permissioned blockchain, the entity that owns and controls the blockchain grants and revokes access