George Acquaah

Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding

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      Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding

       Third Edition

       George Acquaah

      Bowie State University, Room 315 C, Computer Science Building, Bowie, MD, US,

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      © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd

       Second edition 9780470664766 published 2012; first edition, 9781405136464, published 2006

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       Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data

      Names: Acquaah, George, author. Title: Principles of plant genetics and breeding / George Acquaah. Description: Third edition. | Hoboken, New York : Wiley, 2020. | Includes index. Identifiers: LCCN 2020005450 (print) | LCCN 2020005451 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119626329 (paperback) | ISBN 9781119626343 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119626695 (epub) Subjects: LCSH: Plant breeding. | Plant genetics. Classification: LCC SB123 .A295 2020 (print) | LCC SB123 (ebook) | DDC 631.5/3–dc23 LC record available at ebook record available at

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      Cover Image: Plants background with biochemistry structure © Marchu Studio/Shutterstock, Fresh tomatoes © Petr Jilek/Shutterstock

      The third edition of Plant Genetics and Breeding represents a thoroughly overhauled version of its preceding edition, following recommendations and suggestions from users and reviewers. The major changes in the new edition include updated molecular genetics and breeding sections, and the addition of new box reading contributors. The book is copiously illustrated, as previously, to facilitate teaching and learning of the topics.

      The book is organized into 14 sections. Section I is an overview and historical perspectives of plant breeding. Chapter 1 in this section provides an introduction to the field of plant breeding, describing its importance to society, while Chapter 2 provides historical perspectives, highlighting the contributions by researchers to knowledge in the field. The two chapters in Section II are devoted to discussing pertinent population and quantitative genetic concepts, to assist the reader in better understanding the practices of plant breeders.

      Section III, reproductive systems, is organized into three chapters. Chapter 5 focuses on reproductive and genetic issues as they pertain to self‐pollinated and cross‐pollinated species. Chapter 6 is devoted to discussing the genetic issues associated with crossing plants to reorganize the genetic matrix, while Chapter 7 ends the section with a discussion of issues associated with clonal propagation. Section IV deals with germplasm for breeding. It is impossible to conduct plant breeding without the proper germplasm. Chapter 8 in this section focuses on variation and its genetic basis, while Chapter 9 focuses on domestication of plant species. The discussion includes the dependence of plant breeding on heritable variation. Finally, Chapter 10 speaks to the matter of plant genetic resources used in plant breeding. It includes a discussion of how germplasm is collected and managed for long term use by breeders.

      Section V is devoted to discussing common breeding objectives pursued by plant breeders. The discussions include the genetic basis of those traits and the implication in their breeding. Chapter 11 focuses on breeding for increased yield and improving morphological traits that enhance crop productivity. In the ensuing Chapter 12, breeding for selected quality traits is the focus of discussion. A new Chapter 13 focuses on the role of the environment in breeding, with a discussion of climate change and its impact on breeding. Breeding for disease and pest resistance is a major breeding objective in most crops.