George Acquaah

Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding

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alliances are indeed active and utilizing several molecular approaches to attempt the mapping and actual cloning of the apomixis loci in Tripsacum maize and/or other species. Consequently, research progress in this area has become difficult to monitor following the development of confidentiality agreements, plant patents, commercial‐academic research funding collaborations, etc.

Schematic illustration of the (a) (left). The satellite region of Tr16L that confers apomixis in the V31 apomictic line. No normal or intact Tr16 is present in this line. (b) (right). An enlargement of the isochromosome with the nucleolus organizing region and satellite regions identified.

      Much has been written, scientific and otherwise, on the benefits of apomixis or the potential “sexual revolution” in cereal and crop species. The most obvious benefit of introducing apomixis into crops would be to allow the selection of a particular individual and propagate it indefinitely by seed. Theoretically, in an apomictic system, hybrids could be maintained indefinitely if the first division restitution (FDR) events discussed above did not occur. Most likely, apomixis will be first utilized to stabilize genetic combinations that otherwise could not occur naturally or are difficult or impossible to maintain in nature. The facts are that even if a prototype apomictic system is generated, such as in “apomictic maize” US patent No. 5 710 367, traditional breeding and gene transfer through backcrossing is questionable. Pollen sterility is, so far, the rule for all such hybrids and is likely caused by the presence of the same Tripsacum chromosome detailed in an earlier study (Maguire 1957, 1960). In addition, a near‐obligate level of apomictic seed development does not provide an opportunity to transfer apomixis to other maize germplasm. Also, in this apomictic maize germplasm, seed set remains poor and uncharacterized problems associated with endosperm development persist. Essentially, in the case of the apomictic maize patent, a closed breeding system exists.

       Pitfalls in the development of an apomictic maize

       FDR in apomictic maize‐ Tripsacum hybrids

      One unique attribute found only in the apomictic backcross hybrids, irrespective of their possessing a 38‐chromosome (20Mz + 18Tr) or 39‐chromosome (30Mz + 9Tr) constitution, is the maintenance of their genetic composition. Theoretically, apomictic individuals will reproduce a genetic copy of themselves through the seed they produce. However, studies focused on this behavior in maize‐Tripsacum hybrids have proven this will not necessarily be the case.

Photo depicts the series of 39-chromosome maize-Tripsacum hybrids growing at the Japanese National Livestock and Grassland Research Institute, Nishinasuno, Japan. Photos depicts (a) (left). A highly maize-like 38-chromosome apomictic maize-Tripsacum hybrid. This selection has none or few tillers and exhibits a distinct maize phenotype. (b) (right). A top and second ear taken from one of these highly maize-like apomictic individuals.

       Potential advantages of apomictic hybrid corn

      Utilizing a traditional hybrid corn production methodology, two inbred lines are typically required to produce an F1 hybrid. At the present time, apomictic hybrids would likely utilize one or both inbred lines that would carry the necessary genes and genetics to develop a true breeding, apomictic F1 hybrid corn cultivar. Land, labor, and storage space are also required to maintain these inbred lines. If true breeding, apomictic hybrids can be developed, the yearly seed increase of inbreds, the generation of hybrids, the necessary time allowed for such production, land, fertilizer, and required field isolations necessary for producing a hybrid corn line could be omitted. With apomictic hybrid corn, seed generated from that crop would reproduce seed and individuals possessing the identical genetics of the parental hybrid. As such, the development of an apomictic seed crop from an apomictic hybrid would lead to a substantial savings in cost and time to commercial producers and hopefully a decrease in seed price to farmers.

      Under present agricultural