George Acquaah

Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding

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47 = Malaccenesis, 48 = Figure Pomme Geante, 49 = Highgate, 50 = Borneo, 51 = Honduras, 52 = Pome, 53 = Kunnan, 54 = Musa beccarii, 55 = Musa coccinea, 56 = JD Yangambi, 57 = Musa textilis, 58 = Tomolo, 59 = Pisang Berlin, 60 = FHIA‐23, 61 = No. 110, 62 = Dwarf Cavendish, 63 = SH‐3436‐6, 64 = Lal Velchi, 65 = Madang, and 66 = FHIA‐21 (#68). The primer, WRKYMus1a of CDDP marker, demonstrates polymorphism as indicated by the red colored arrows in the gel image.

Snapshot depicts the amplification profile of 66 banana and plantain samples using Start codon targeted 26 polymorphic marker: a = 1 kb step DNA ladder and b = 100 bp DNA ladder. Some unique banding patterns are shown by the red arrows in some of the accessions. Snapshot depicts the amplification profile of 66 banana and plantain samples using Inter-simple sequence repeat 901 polymorphic marker: a = 1 kb step DNA ladder and b = 100 bp DNA ladder. Some of the Musa accessions have similar allelic banding patterns, while some have allelic variants as demonstrated with arrows in the gel image of UBC 901 marker.

       Macropropagation and micropropagation of Musa accessions

      Within the Musaceae family, there are diploid, triploid, and tetraploid bananas and plantains that were derived from the combinations of parent plants M. acuminata (AA) and M. balbisiana (BB). Due to higher demands of these crops, it is necessary to establish a protocol for mass and rapid production of bananas and plantains to complement the traditional methods. Therefore, micropropagation and macropropagation techniques have become very important to adopt to produce faster, healthier, and stronger plants (Sadik et al. 2012).

Photos depict the micropropagation of banana. a = Preparation of tissue culture media, b = Autoclaving media for sterilization, c = Preparation and shaping of sucker, d = Sterilization of shaped sucker, e = Further shaping of sucker under the sterile laminar flow hood, and f = Transferring the shaped sucker into growth initiation media. Photo depicts the research laboratory for Musa tissue culture techniques at the Department of Natural Science, Bowie State University. Photos depicts the micropropagation experimental output from a plantain accession. a = Growth rate of micropropagated PG after three weeks before first subculturing in new MS medium, b = growth rate of micropropagated PG after three weeks of first subculturing, c = growth rate of PG after three weeks of second subculturing, d = subculturing of PG from section c into four separate growth initiation MS media for independent development prior to transfer to rooting medium.