Hiroshi Ashihara

Plant Nucleotide Metabolism

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14Table 14.1 Occurrence of purine alkaloids in the plant kingdom.Table 14.2 Purine alkaloid content of the leaves ofCamellia species. The ...Table 14.3 Endogenous levels of metabolites of purine alkaloids inCamelli...Table 14.4 Purine alkaloid content of seeds ofCoffea species.Table 14.5 Changes in caffeine contents in pericarp (or whole fruits) and...Table 14.6 Endogenous levels of metabolites of purine alkaloids in cacao ...Table 14.7 Endogenous levels of metabolites of purine alkaloids in cacao ...Table 14.8 Occurrence of purine alkaloids in different organs of guaraná.Table 14.9 Occurrence of purine alkaloids in different organs ofCitrus sp...

      15 Chapter 15Table 15.1 Summary of enzymes involved in caffeine biosynthesis in plants...Table 15.2 Seasonal changes in the levels of threeN-methyltransferases of...Table 15.3 Native and recombinant 7-methylxanthosine synthase from tea an...Table 15.4 Substrate specificity ofN-methylnucleosidase and adenosine nuc...Table 15.5 Comparison of substrate specificity of native and recombinant ...Table 15.6 Comparison of substrate specificity of recombinant theobromine...Table 15.7 Example of the motif B′-methyltransferase family enzymes.

      16 Chapter 16Table 16.1 Purine alkaloid biosynthesis in different organs of tea (Camel...Table 16.2 Biosynthesis of theobromine (Tb) and caffeine (Cf) from [8-14C...Table 16.3 Biosynthesis of purine alkaloids from [8-14C]adenine in differ...Table 16.4 Biosynthesis of purine alkaloids from [8-14C]purine bases and ...Table 16.5 Biosynthesis of purine alkaloids from14C-labelled precursors i...Table 16.6 Effective caffeine dose for biological activity.

      17 Chapter 17Table 17.1 Summary of the metabolism of [8-14C]theophylline by young, mat...Table 17.2 Summary of the metabolism of [8-14C]theophylline by young, mat...Table 17.3 Transgenic plants using genes involved in caffeine biosynthesi...

      18 Chapter 18Table 18.1 Summary of enzymes involved in pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthe...

      19 Chapter 19Table 19.1 Profiles of activities of enzymes involved in the pyridine nuc...

      20 Chapter 20Table 20.1 Occurrence of pyridine alkaloids in plants.

      21 Chapter 21Table 21.1 Changes in trigonelline (Tg) content (μmol part−1) and i...Table 21.3 Metabolic fate of [carboxyl-14C]nicotinate (10 μM) in cotyledo...Table 21.2 Changes in fresh weight (mg) and trigonelline content (nmol) i...Table 21.4 Changes in the activities of trigonelline synthase and nicotin...

      22 Chapter 22Table 22.1 Sugar nucleotides in plants.Table 22.2 UDP-glucose and other sugar nucleotides in plants.Table 22.3 Substrates and Km values of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase.Table 22.4 Substrates and Km values of UDP-sugar pyrophosphorylase.Table 22.5 Substrates and Km and Vmax values of sucrose synthase.Table 22.6 Subcellular location of plant UDPG producing three enzymes.

      23 Chapter 24Table 24.1 Levels of caffeine in espresso coffees purchased from 20 coffe...Table 24.2 Plasma pharmacokinetic parameters of trigonelline and 1-methyl...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 The major pathways of de novo biosynthesis of purine, pyrimidine ...Figure 3.2 The tricarboxylic acid (Krebs) cycle in plants. (1) Pyruvate dehy...Figure 3.3 Glycolysis in plants. (1) Hexokinase; (2) phosphoglucoisomerase; ...Figure 3.4 Reactions involved in the substrate level ATP production and cons...Figure 3.5 Photosynthetic Calvin–Benson–Bassham cycle. (1) Ribulose bisphosp...Figure 3.6 Oxidative pentose phosphate pathway. (1) Glucose-6-phosphate dehy...Figure 3.7 Conversion of nucleoside mono-, di- and triphosphates. (1) ATP sy...Figure 3.8 Nitrate reduction and assimilation of ammonia in plants. Enzymes ...Figure 3.9 Outline of amino acids biosynthesis in plants. DAHP, 3-deoxy-D-ar...

      2 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Purine ribonucleotide biosynthesis. Abbreviations of metabolites ...

      3 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Outline of purine salvage reactions and related enzymes in plants...Figure 5.2 Reactions involved in purine salvage in plants. Reaction 1: phosp...

      4 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 The interconversion of purines in plants. Abbreviations: A, adeni...Figure 6.2 The AMP deaminase-catalysed conversion of adenosine-5′-monophosph...Figure 6.3 The guanosine deaminase-catalysed conversion guanosine to xanthos...Figure 6.4 The adenosine nucleosidase-catalysed conversion of adenosine to a...Figure 6.5 In situ metabolism of adenine and adenosine in plants. Abbreviat...Figure 6.6 In situ metabolism of guanine and guanosine in plants. Abbreviat...Figure 6.7 In situ metabolism of hypoxanthine and inosine in plants. Abbrev...Figure 6.8 In situ metabolism of xanthine and xanthosine in plants.Figure 6.9 In situ metabolism of deoxyadenosine and deoxyguanosine in plant...

      5 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 The routes of urate synthesis from purine nucleotides in plants. ...Figure 7.2 End products of purine metabolism in animals and plants. Based on...Figure 7.3 (S)-Allantoin biosynthesis from xanthine in plants. Enzyme names ...Figure 7.4 Reactions catalysed by xanthine dehydrogenase.Figure 7.5 Tautomerization of uric acid.Figure 7.6 Degradation pathway of (S)-allantoin in plants. Enzyme names with...Figure 7.7 The reaction of urease. Enzymatic hydrolysis of urea to carbamate...Figure 7.8 Metabolic fate of 14C-labelled adenine nucleotides in intact Cath...Figure 7.9 Fate of N and C atoms in xanthine structure during degradation of...Figure 7.10 Ureide cycle in ureide-accumulating plants. Activity of the reac...Figure 7.11 Ureide synthesis in nodules and catabolism in shoots in soybean ...

      6 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Outline of pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis de novo. Usually fo...Figure 8.2 Reaction 1 in Figure 8.1. (1) Carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase.Figure 8.3 Reaction 2 in Figure 8.1. (2) Aspartate transcarbamoylase.Figure 8.4 Reaction 3 in Figure 8.1. (3) Dihydroorotase.Figure 8.5 Reaction 4 in Figure 8.1. (4) Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase.Figure 8.6 Reaction 5a in Figure 8.1. (5a) Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase...Figure 8.7 Reaction 5b in Figure 8.1. (5b) Orotidine-5′-monophosphate decarb...Figure 8.8 Reaction 8 in Figure 8.1. (8) Cytidine triphosphate synthase.Figure 8.9 Fine control mechanism of UMP synthesis. CPSII (1), ATC (2) and U...Figure 8.10 Outline of thymidine nucleotide biosynthesis de novo. UMP produc...Figure 8.11 Reaction 5 in Figure 8.10. (5) Thymidylate synthase.

      7 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Outline of pyrimidine salvage reactions and related enzymes in pl...Figure 9.2 Step 1 in Figure 9.1.Figure 9.3 Step 2 in Figure 9.1.Figure 9.4 Step 3 in Figure 9.1.Figure 9.5 Step 4 in Figure 9.1.Figure 9.6 Step 7 in Figure 9.1.

      8 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 The interconversion of pyrimidines in plants. In the de novo pyr...Figure 10.2 Reaction 1 in Figure 10.1.Figure 10.3 Reaction 2 in Figure 10.1.Figure 10.4 Reaction 5 in Figure 10.1.Figure 10.5 In situ metabolism of [2-14C]uridine and [2-14C]uracil in plants...Figure 10.6 In situ metabolism of [2-14C]cytidine and [2-14C]cytosine in pl...Figure 10.7 In situ metabolism of [2-14C]deoxycytidine in plants.Figure 10.8 In situ metabolism of [2-14C]thymidine in plants.

      9 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 The catabolic pathway of the pyrimidines uracil and thymine in p...Figure 11.2 The synthesis of pantothenate (vitamin B5) from β-alanine.Figure 11.3 The synthesis of β-alanine betaine from β-alanine.

      10 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Metabolic pathways of purine compounds in plants based the fate ...Figure 12.2 Metabolic pathways of pyrimidine compounds in plants based on th...Figure 12.3 The de novo and salvage pathways of deoxyribonucleotides during ...

      11 Chapter