Another set of example networks for deterministic reliability m...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 General topology of multistage interconnection network (MIN).Figure 2.2 Key research issues of multistage interconnection networks.Figure 2.3 MIN general characteristics classification.Figure 2.4 Taxonomy of MIN topology.Figure 2.5 Network showing one disjoint path and two redundant paths for S...Figure 2.6 Network showing two disjoint paths and three redundant paths fo...Figure 2.7 8×8 SEN showing single disjoint path for S-D node pair (0, 7)....Figure 2.8 8×8 SEN+ showing two disjoint paths for S-D node pair (0, 4).Figure 2.9 bnxbn Delta network.Figure 2.10 8×8 Omega network showing one disjoint path for S-D node pair ...Figure 2.11 8×8 Butterfly network showing one disjoint path for S-D node p...Figure 2.12 8×8 Baseline network showing one disjoint path for S-D node pa...Figure 2.13 8×8 Generalized-cube network showing one disjoint path for S-D...Figure 2.14 8×8 DOT network showing one disjoint path for S-D node pair (0...Figure 2.15 8×8 Theta network (THN) showing one disjoint path and three re...Figure 2.16 GIN showing paths for S-D node pairs (2, 4; δ = 2) and (6, 6; ...Figure 2.17 56×56 modified baseline showing one disjoint path for S-D node...Figure 2.18 8×8 scalable crossbar network (SCN) showing one disjoint path ...Figure 2.19 8×8 SEN +2 showing two disjoint paths and four redundant paths...Figure 2.20 8×8 Benes network showing two disjoint paths and four redundan...Figure 2.21 8×8 RBN showing two disjoint paths and eight redundant paths f...Figure 2.22 8×8 EBN showing two disjoint paths and eight redundant paths f...Figure 2.23 8×8 Phi network showing two disjoint paths and five redundant ...Figure 2.24 Extra-stage GIN showing nine paths for tag value (δ) = 0.Figure 2.25 CGIN showing five paths for S-D node pair (1, 1; δ = 0).Figure 2.26 PCGIN showing two disjoint paths for S-D node pair (1, 1; δ = ...Figure 2.27 FCGIN showing two disjoint paths for S-D node pair (1, 1; δ = ...Figure 2.28 8×8 ASEN showing two disjoint paths and four redundant paths f...Figure 2.29 8×8 Kappa showing two disjoint paths and eight redundant paths...Figure 2.30 16×16 Tandem Omega showing two disjoint paths for S-D node pai...Figure 2.31 8×8 enhanced IADM network showing three disjoint paths and eig...Figure 2.32 3D-CGIN showing three disjoint paths (red), three alternate pa...Figure 2.33 8×8 IEGN showing three disjoint paths (solid lines) and twelve...Figure 2.34 8×8 Pars network showing three disjoint paths (solid lines) an...Figure 2.35 16×16 ABN showing two disjoint paths and four redundant paths ...Figure 2.36 56×56 EGS Network showing four disjoint paths for S-D node pai...Figure 2.37 Three stage clos network. Disjoint paths and three redundant p...Figure 2.38 16×16 clos network showing four disjoint and redundant paths f...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Terminal reliability layout of an 8×8 SEN+.Figure 3.2 Network reliability layout of an 8×8 SEN.Figure 3.3 Broadcast reliability layout of an 8×8 SEN+.Figure 3.4 Switching element state in an 8×8 SEN+.Figure 3.5 Reliability logic graph of 8 x 8 SEN+.Figure 3.6 Series RBD.Figure 3.8 Mixed parallel RBD.Figure 3.9 Terminal reliability RBD of 8×8 SEN+.Figure 3.10 8×8 gamma network (GIN) with 4 stages.Figure 3.11 Lower bound reliability of N×N gamma network.Figure 3.12 Upper bound reliability of N×N gamma network.
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Undirected ARPA network.Figure 4.2 8×8 delta network.Figure 4.3 5 nodes and 8 links network for reliability evaluation.Figure 4.4 8×8 SEN+ showing two disjoint and redundant paths for S-D node ...Figure 4.5 8×8 omega network.
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Sample network.Figure 5.2 MIN showing four disjoints paths and five redundant paths for S...Figure 5.3 8×8 Benes network showing two disjoint paths and four redundant...Figure 5.4 8 nodes and 9 links network for reliability evaluation.
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 4DMIN showing four disjoints paths and six redundant paths for ...Figure 6.2 Outgoing Links and the Routing Bits from Stage 0 to Stage 2 bas...Figure 6.3 Dynamic rerouting concept in 4DMIN for S-D node pair (3, 6; δ =...Figure 6.4 Dynamic rerouting behavior during Busy/Working switch.Figure 6.5 Dynamic rerouting behavior during Faulty/Failed switch.Figure 6.6 RIN showing Fault Redundant Link at Initial and Final Stage.Figure 6.7 RIN showing Four Disjoint and Twelve Redundant Paths for S-D no...Figure 6.8 Outgoing Links and the Routing Bits from Stage 0 to Stage 2 dep...Figure 6.9 Transmission path for S-D node pair (0, 7) from Stage 0 to Stag...Figure 6.10 RIN Dynamic Routing Behavior for S-D node pair (2, 6). (Solid ...Figure 6.11 RIN showing paths from Source 2 to all the Destinations when s...
1 Cover
2 Table of Contents
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2 iii
3 iv
4 ix
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6 xi
7 xiii
8 xiv
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