Celine Cherici

From Clouds to the Brain

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5.2. Trough battery developed by the British chemist William Cruickshank ...Figure 5.3. This device illustrates the miniutarization of electrotherapy. Consi...Figure 5.4. Electrical contraction of the skin, of the frontal muscles, with low...Figure 5.5. Hodgkin’s initial experiment on blocking nerve conduction by localiz...Figure 5.6. Drawn from a cat, we can see that he sketched the convolutions disco...Figure 5.7. Left cerebral hemisphere of a chimpanzee with centres determined far...Figure 5.8. Adrian’s visual assimilation of human brain waves to potential swell...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. Drawing illustrating the location of the superior surface electrodes...Figure 6.2. Drawing of the superior-inferior electrode configuration with the in...Figure 6.3. Indications for deep brain stimulation in the dual field of neurolog...

      7 Appendix 2Figure A2.1. Nollet, J.-A.: Recherches sur les causes particulières […], op. cit...Figure A2.2. Nollet (1748) devotes many chapters to the links between electricit...Figure A2.3. Franklin, B.: Expériences et observations sur l’électricité faites ...Figure A2.4. Franklin (1756) discusses the penetration of bodies by electricity,...Figure A2.5. Jallabert, J.: Expériments sur l’électricité, avec quelques conject...Figure A2.6. Jallabert (1748) goes, in his treatise, from chapters on the laws o...Figure A2.7. Morin, J.: Nouvelle dissertation sur l’électricité des corps, Paris...Figure A2.8. In Morin’s treatise (1748), we can see that he indicates how to bui...


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Foreword

      6  Introduction

      7  Begin Reading

      8  Conclusion

      9  Appendix 1

      10  Appendix 2

      11  References

      12  Index of Names

      13  Index of Terms

      14  End User License Agreement


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