i...Table 3.7. Amplitude of intersymbol interference | for the different possible in...Table 3.8. Probabilities of error on conditional on interfering messages Table 3.9. Amplitudes of the new intersymbol interference Iml(kT)Table 3.10. Conditional probability intervals and the associated conditional pro...Table 3.11. Comparative characteristics of the minimum frequency bands required ...Table 3.12. Comparative characteristics of the minimum frequency bands required ...Table 3.13. Values and probabilities of a, component d of the displacement vecto...Table 3.14. Coding C 1 of one component d of the displacement vector Table 3.15. Huffman coding C2 of one component d of the displacement vectorTable 3.16. Amplitudes of the inter-channel intersymbol interferenceTable 3.17. Intervals and conditional probabilities of error
4 Chapter 5Table 5.1. Types of defects in the detection and correction block of transmissio...
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