Linda Ford

A Baby For Christmas

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man cleared his throat most loudly. “Ladies, is this man bothering you?”

      As if that wasn’t obvious. But Vic had a reputation throughout the town, and Louise didn’t blame the ticket man for being cautious.

      Vic scowled at the poor man. “This ain’t none of yer business.”

      “It is mine.” Nate blasted through the door, yanked Vic to his feet and rushed him outside.

      Vic fought to free himself from Nate’s hold as he scrambled to keep his feet under him.

      Nate shoved him from the building and released him on the sidewalk.

      Vic splayed his arms to stay upright.

      “Leave my wife and sister-in-law alone. You hear?” Nate stood tall, his fists on his hips, and glowered at Vic, who picked up his hat and dusted it off before smashing it back on his head.

      “You done made a mistake.” He stalked away.

      Louise didn’t know whether to be shocked at Nate’s actions or amused at Vic’s blustering.

      Missy chuckled. “Someone should have warned Vic not to mess with Nate. He never did take kindly to unfairness.”

      Louise let those words simmer in her brain. She’d forgotten how Nate sprang to the defense of others.

      The ticket man stared at Louise.

      “That’s right,” she said calmly. “Nate and I are married now.” She felt a sense of pride in saying those words, even if it was only pretend.

      She could hear the man gasp clear across the room.

      The stagecoach rattled to a stop and Nate helped put the trunks on top.

      Louise pushed to her feet and followed Missy, who practically danced out to the sidewalk.

      Louise made it as far as the door and stopped. It was too late to change her mind. She’d burned her bridges yesterday when she married Nate. The baby kicked her hard as if to remind her that she had no choice. Vic was too dangerous. Yet she couldn’t make her feet move. She didn’t like change. Going meant leaving...leaving her life, her friends. She glanced to the right and left. None of her friends had come to bid her farewell. But then, they didn’t know she was leaving. Any more than they knew she was married again.

      Nate stood in front of her, his expression quietly concerned. He touched her arm. “Is something wrong?”

      His touch, his words, filled her with strength and resolve. “Everything is fine. I was just saying a mental goodbye.”

      He nodded. “Do you want me to give you a moment?”

      He had always had this gentle consideration for the needs of others—spoken or otherwise. Another thing she’d forgotten. Encouraged by that memory, she smiled. “I’m done. I’m ready.”

      He bent his elbow for her to hold as she crossed the wooden walkway and escorted her down the wooden steps to the ground. Grateful for his help, she turned to face him. “Thank you. I’m sorry I’m so awkward right now.”

      “As your husband, I am more than willing to help you.”

      Her heart beat a rapid rhythm as wild wishes for forever tangled with regret and reality.

      He flashed a smile so unexpectedly warming that she could only stare. He leaned closer to whisper, “We might as well enjoy this while it lasts. I, for one, fully intend to.”

      “How can you think that’s possible?”

      He chuckled. “We were friends in the past. Let’s see if we can remember what that was like.”

      A relieved smile curved her mouth. See, he truly wasn’t Vic nor like Vic in any way.

      “Folks, I’d like to get on the road soon as possible.” The driver’s urging made it impossible to do more than nod her agreement to Nate.

      He steadied her as she climbed into the stage and sat next to Missy. Facing them was a woman whose expression was full of curiosity. No doubt she’d strained to hear every word. She shifted and a pained look came to her face, perhaps from sharing the space of the man on the other end of her bench—a weathered old man who ought to have shaved and bathed. Clean clothes would have been nice, too. Between the two, a cowboy in rumpled clothes leaned forward on the leather-covered seat as if uncomfortable at being pressed so close to the others.

      At least Louise and Missy weren’t crowded together with a stranger. Unless they picked up more passengers on the way.

      The smell of the one man permeated the coach and made Louise’s stomach roll. Perhaps when they got moving, fresh air would help.

      With a crack of the whip and a call to giddyap, the journey began.

      Her heart lurched along with the coach. Where was Nate? Had he abandoned her already?

      She glanced out the window. He sat astride his horse, riding beside them. Was that how he planned to make the trip to Fort Macleod? Or did he plan on leaving them before they arrived at their destination? Riding out there, he could leave at any moment, and then what would she do?

      Her lips pressed tight. If he left, she’d have to manage. At least they were going away from Vic.

      If Nate left, would he look her up later and arrange to dissolve their marriage?

      She sat back. Oh, how upset Aunt Bea would be if she knew the falseness of her marriage vows. How often had she warned Louise to do what was right even when it was difficult? Aunt Bea never came right out and said so, but Louise understood her to mean Louise shouldn’t be like her mother. In Aunt Bea’s opinion, Ma ought to have honored her wedding vows.

      The baby kicked against Louise’s ribs.

      She relaxed as much as was possible in the swaying coach. She was doing this for the right reasons—to protect her baby.

      Missy poked her head out the window on her side. “We’re almost out of town. We’re on our way.” She laughed from sheer joy.

      Louise took one more look out the window, glancing back. Why couldn’t things stay the same? People left or died. Things changed. Just once she’d like to think she could hold on to something, or someone.

      Instead, she was leaving the place that had been her home for many years. She was heading into an uncertain future as part of a very temporary marriage.

      Seemed forever was always going to be out of her reach.

      * * *

       We used to be friends?

      Nate grinned as he thought of Louise’s surprised expression when he said those words. She had looked so worried, frightened even. Guess he couldn’t blame her. She was a widow, about to become a mother, and now leaving her home for a place she’d never seen.

      He chuckled softly and ducked his head, lest anyone see and wonder why he was so amused. She was also a new bride. No wonder she wore such a tense expression.

      At that moment he had decided to try to make the journey enjoyable, though he’d ridden in a stagecoach once and wondered if it was possible to find any pleasure in the ride. But he would do his best to help her through the next few days. Not only because he was her temporary husband, but because of Gordie. And also because of the past they shared, a happier time, to be sure. He had no desire to go back. The future beckoned. He’d always thought of Louise as part of his past, but now she was part of his present. Just not his future. Even so, it wouldn’t hurt to help her. He didn’t find the prospect distasteful, which alarmed him. Still, it was only a few days out of his life, seven or eight at the most. Might as well make the best of it.

      They left the town behind them. In a few miles they turned toward Fort Benton. From there they would follow the Whoop-Up Trail north.

      He’d decided to ride his horse rather than be cooped up in the coach, but now he wished he was inside so he could point out