Jennifer Lewis

Shattered by the CEO / The Boss's Demand

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instead of buying it, but renting seemed like…” Her throat closed, burned. She stopped, swallowed, inhaled and then tried again. “Renting seemed like admitting it would only be a matter of time before I had to turn it back in. I wasn’t ready…to give up.”

      He studied her long and hard, then glanced at the door and rocked on the balls of his feet as if he wanted to leave. Instead he sank back on his heels, shoved his hands in his pockets and inhaled deeply. “You never mentioned her illness when we were together.”

      “She hadn’t been diagnosed then. That came…after…us.” One moment Tara had been wallowing in heartache and woe-is-me, and the next her world had turned upside down.

      Rand had been working overseas when she’d received the news, and with the ugly way he’d ended things, calling him hadn’t been an option.

      Forget it. There is no us. We have no future. I won’t marry you or father your children. It was sex, Tara. Nothing more.

      She’d had no one to turn to except the doctors, whose faces and prognoses had been grim. Panic had set in. She’d been so afraid of losing her mother and of the misery, surgeries and chemo her mother had ahead of her. The day after Tara had found out, she’d broken down in her office at KCL. Everett had whisked her to Kincaid Manor, where she’d poured out her fears.

      And then Tara had failed her mother by refusing the one lifeline they’d been offered. Shame scalded her cheeks and weighted her shoulders.

      She pushed back the pain and checked her watch. After ten. “I didn’t realize it was so late. Have you eaten? I could fix something.”

      “I ate. Did you?” He indicated the boxes stacked in the corner with a nod. “Looks like you’ve been at this for a while.”

      “I…no, I haven’t eaten. I…couldn’t.”

      “You have to eat, Tara.”

      Her stomach seconded his opinion by growling loudly. “I’ll grab something later. I’m almost finished.”

      She lifted another empty box from the floor to the mattress.

      Rand laid his warm palm over the back of her hand, stilling her movements. “Take a break.”

      Her pulse did a quickstep, but despite her body’s involuntary reaction, the idea of being intimate with him after what he’d said earlier today about sharing her with Mitch repelled her. As she suspected he’d intended his comment to.

      She swallowed the lump in her throat. “I, um…don’t need you tonight. So you can…go to bed. Good night.”

      His gaze held hers for a long moment. “Despite six months working in a ship’s galley, I’m not a whiz in the kitchen. But I won’t poison you. I’ll scramble some eggs and make toast.”

      Why was he being nice after being so hateful this morning? She couldn’t understand him. She bent her head and flicked a fingernail on the box flap. “You don’t have to cook for me.”

      “Tara.” He waited until she looked at him. His jaw shifted as if he were grinding his teeth. “You won’t be any good to me tomorrow if you don’t fuel up tonight.”

      She snapped her shoulders back. So much for believing his compassion was altruistic. “I’ll manage.”

      “Is that how you lost the weight? By starving yourself? Get your butt in the kitchen,” he ordered, then yanked the box from her hand.

      She held her ground. “Why are you doing this?”

      “Because I don’t want you to be a liability.”

      “You don’t want me period.” She grimaced and bit her lip. She hadn’t meant to let that slip. So much for holding onto her pride.

      He caught her chin with his fingers before she could duck again. “I don’t want to want you. That’s a whole different story. Now get in there and sit down. I’ll help you pack after you eat. Two of us will knock it out faster than one.”

      Emotion squeezed her chest and stung her eyes at this unexpected glimpse of the man she’d fallen for five years ago. Rand had always claimed to be hard-hearted and self-serving, but she’d seen past the facade to the man he’d tried so hard to hide. He might be a ruthless businessman, but no matter how many times he denied it, Rand Kincaid cared about others.

      She studied his face. His lips were so close, his eyes so intense. He’d been a gentle and unselfish lover who’d coaxed her past her shyness and taught her about pleasure, about her own body. A less generous man wouldn’t have bothered. She wanted to cradle his stubble-shadowed jaw and hurl herself in his arms.

      Tonight proved the man she remembered, the one she’d loved, was still in there. Somewhere. All she had to do was draw him out.

      Her waning hopes rebounded. All wasn’t lost. And to borrow another of Tara’s famous last words, tomorrow was another day.

      And this time she wasn’t giving up without a fight.

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