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3 Introduction to Indoor Photovoltaics
Monika Freunek (Müller)
BKW AG, Bern, Switzerland
Abstract Indoor photovoltaics (IPV) is one of the most promising technologies to power IoT and consumer devices in indoor environments. Theoretical efficiency limits exceeding 50%, an established technology, and power densities among the highest of all indoor energy harvesting technologies available, make IPV attractive and an upcoming technology in an expected trillion-dollar market. However, the typical indoor spectral conditions, the optimization goals and processes during design and manufacturing, and the ideal materials differ significantly from the well-established outdoor applications. Thus, IPV devices require specific engineering and characterization. This chapter introduces IPV with its spectra, irradiance levels and operating conditions. Theoretical and demonstrated efficiencies, their modeling, and characterization methods are discussed. Issues such as total energy balance, recycling and lifetime are outlined. With properly adapted design, IPV might be the enabler of many IoT applications in the near future. This chapter provides the state-of-the-art, challenges and solutions for IPV products, and gives an outlook on future products.
Keywords: Indoor photovoltaics, micro energy harvesting, internet of things, wireless sensor nodes, edge nodes, indoor photovoltaic efficiencies, indoor photovoltaic materials
3.1 Introduction
Indoor photovoltaics (IPV) started in the seventies following the invention of microprocessors [1, 2]. In the following decades, IPV was mostly limited to applications such as kitchen scales, solar calculators, and some consumer fun articles [3, 4]. Those devices were designed far beyond their theoretical potential and often suffered from lack of user acceptance, as users most often had to actively place the device close to a window for a proper functioning. In many applications, it was easier and more reliable to power indoor products with batteries or power cords. The introduction of narrow-banded artificial light and ultra-low power electronics, such as the Phoenix Processor with a power consumption in the picowatt range [5], are the technology enabler for IPV, enhancing their applications far beyond those listed above. Recent studies expected IoT systems to become a multi-trillion-dollar market within the next few years [6]. In many applications, IPV will be the ideal technology to supply the power for the IoT devices.
Indoor photovoltaics presents an ideal application for photovoltaic systems. Due to the narrow-band emission of indoor lighting sources, spectral losses are far beyond the losses from broadband thermal radiation, such as solar. The often mandatory lighting conditions have to meet a certain and defined level, spectral distribution and frequency of occurrence. This knowledge and the predictability of the light source are an ideal case for photovoltaic design. The humidity and temperature operating conditions are mostly stable and not critical to operation and aging. The temperature range is usually around 20–30 °C, which is roughly the standard characterization temperature in photovoltaics. Most loss mechanisms in photovoltaic materials increase with temperature, where indirect band-gap materials, such as silicon, are more affected than direct band gaps such as III-V materials. While outdoor systems under solar radiation heat up to temperatures around 80 °C, temperature effects can be neglected in most IPV applications. Outdoor photovoltaic plants, especially when installed in private applications, often suffer from the expectation of customers to meet the performance of their characterization under IEC [7], which is the standard testing reference for research and industry. Those conditions cannot be met outside a laboratory [8], and in practice, the performance varies with weather, latitude, longitude and air mass composition [9]. Thus, customers sometimes complain about the seemingly poor performance of perfectly operating devices, as the spectral and temperature conditions may deviate significantly from conditions under IEC. Especially for owners of private installations without much technical background, it can be hard to understand this difference, which sometimes lowers the customers’ acceptance. This challenge should be much less present in IPV applications, once an indoor characterization standard has been established for IPV.
With an optimized band gap and resulting choice of material, IPV efficiencies exceeding 50% can be achieved theoretically [10].
Besides the spectral conditions, the typical cell size and the available radiation intensity differ from outside applications. While outdoor intensities range around 100–1000 Wm-2, indoor intensities are typically between 0.1–10 Wm-2 [11–15]. As a result, the ratio of photoelectric current to electrical loss currents is reduced by orders of magnitude for many loss mechanisms.
The small size in the square centimeter or millimeter scale instead of square meters leads to a stronger influence of miniaturization effects. The loss effects due to shading from module integration and contacting, contact areas and surface areas cannot be neglected as in outdoor applications, but may reach the scale of the photovoltaic current. In real systems, the dominating loss effects depend on the specific material of choice, its thickness and its characteristics, such as doping and so forth. Thus, it is highly recommended that IPV designers first choose their material and then model realistic values for their spectral application conditions based on their choice.
The applicability of efficiency models depends, among other things, on the choice of material. For example, the well-known Shockley-Queisser limit refers to the electrochemical conversion limit