Michael Begon


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      We can also calculate R0 by dividing the total number of offspring produced during one generation (∑Fx, meaning the sum of the values in the Fx column) by the original number of individuals. That is:


      For Gilia (Table 4.1), R0 is calculated very simply (no summation required) since only the flowering class produces seed. Its value is 38.27 for the inland subspecies and 11.47 for the coastal subspecies: a clear indication that the inland subspecies thrived, comparatively, at this inland site. (Though the annual rate of reproduction would not have been this high, since, no doubt, a proportion of these would have died before the start of the 1994 cohort. In other words, another class of individuals, ‘winter seeds’, was ignored in this study.)

      For the marmots, R0 = 0.67: the population was declining, each generation, to around two‐thirds its former size. However, whereas for Gilia the length of a generation is obvious, since there is one generation each year, for the marmots the generation length must itself be calculated. We address the question of how to do this in Section 4.7, but for now we can note that its value, 4.5 years, matches what we can observe ourselves in the life table: that a ‘typical’ period from an individual’s birth to giving birth itself (i.e. a generation) is around four and a half years. Thus, Table 4.2 indicates that each generation, every four and a half years, this particular marmot population was declining to around two‐thirds its former size.


      4.6.2 Survivorship curves

Graphs depict the representations of the survival of a cohort of the yellow-bellied marmot. (a) When lx is plotted against cohort age, it is clear that most individuals are lost relatively early in the life of the cohort, but there is no clear impression of the risk of mortality at different ages. (b) By contrast, a survivorship curve plotting log(lx) against age shows a virtually constant mortality risk until around age eight, followed by a brief period of slightly higher risk, and then another brief period of low risk after which the remaining survivors died.

      a classification of survivorship curves

      Life tables provide a great deal of data on specific organisms. But ecologists search for generalities – patterns of life and death that we can see repeated in the lives of many species – conventionally dividing survivorship curves into three types in a scheme that goes back to 1928, generalising what we know about the way in which the risks of death are distributed through the lives of different organisms (Figure 4.11).

Graphs dpeict the classification of survivorship curves plotting log(lx) against age, above, with corresponding plots of the changing risk of mortality with age, below.

      Source: After Pearl (1928) and Deevey (1947).

      In a type 1 survivorship curve, mortality is concentrated toward the end of the maximum life span. It is perhaps most typical of humans in developed countries and their carefully tended zoo animals and pets. A type 2 survivorship curve is a straight line signifying a constant mortality rate from birth to maximum age. It describes, for instance, the survival of buried seeds in a seed bank. In a type 3 survivorship curve there is extensive early mortality, but a high rate of subsequent survival. This is typical of species that produce many offspring. Few survive initially, but once individuals reach a critical size, their risk of death remains low and more or less constant. This appears to be the most common survivorship curve among animals and plants in nature.

      APPLICATION 4.2 The survivorship curves of captive mammals