Kirsten M. Hummel

Introducing Second Language Acquisition

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2.2 Mike Williams/ 2.3 Marty Bucella/

      3 Chapter 3Cartoon 3.1 Clive Goddard/ 3.2 John Hills/ 3.3 Rex May Baloo/ 3.4 Just Kidding by Rod Maclean.

      4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Three hypotheses for the role of UG in SLA: direct access; indire...Figure 4.2 Krashen's Monitor Model.

      5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Atkinson and Shiffren's information processing model.Figure 5.2 Influences upon noticing.Figure 5.3 Where input processing (IP) fits into an acquisition scheme.Figure 5.4 Illustration of network of neuron‐like units and links in connect...

      6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Figure from THE BERLITZ SELF‐TEACHER: SPANISH,Cartoon 6.1 Audiolingual Method. Mishon Joel/ 6.2 Cartoon illustrating English speaker's incomprehension of dialec...Cartoon 6.3 6.2 Drawing A / Drawing B. Illustration for Processing Instruction ap...

      7 Chapter 7Cartoon 7.1 Sidney Harris/ 7.2 7.1 Principal differences between L1 and L2 student writing: implicat...

      8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Critical period for parental imprinting in ducklings.Cartoon 8.1 Naf/ 8.2 Average foreign accent ratings for 240 native speakers of Italian...Figure 8.3 Patkowski (1980) study. Bar charts showing population frequencies...Figure 8.4 Results from Johnson and Newport (1989). The relationship between...

      9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Examples of MLAT items.Figure 9.2 Working memory model.Cartoon 9.1 Atlantic Feature Syndicate/dba Mark Parisi. Mark Parisi/Off The ...Figure 9.3 Relationship of variables in Gardner's motivation construct.Figure 9.4 The components of motivational teaching practice in the L2 classr...Figure 9.5 GEFT (Group Embedded Figures Test).

      10 Chapter 10Cartoon 10.1 “Delusion Springs Maternal,” 5/3/2011, by John Crowther.Figure 10.1 Languages in contact: Findings and Problems.Figure 10.2 Revised hierarchical model.Figure 10.3 Three‐store view of bilingual lexical organization: a single non...Figure 10.4 The modified hierarchical model.


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  ii

      2  iii

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