Table of Contents 1
1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Types of Noise and Vibration Signals
1.3 Frequency Analysis
1.4 Frequency Analysis Using Filters
1.5 Fast Fourier Transform Analysis
2 Vibration of Simple and Continuous Systems
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Simple Harmonic Motion
2.3 Vibrating Systems
2.4 Multi‐Degree of Freedom Systems
2.5 Continuous Systems
3 Sound Generation and Propagation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Wave Motion
3.3 Plane Sound Waves
3.4 Decibels and Levels
3.5 Three‐dimensional Wave Equation
3.6 Sources of Sound
3.7 Sound Power of Sources
3.8 Sound Sources Above a Rigid Hard Surface
3.9 Directivity
3.10 Line Sources
3.11 Reflection, Refraction, Scattering, and Diffraction
3.12 Ray Acoustics
3.13 Energy Acoustics
3.14 Near Field, Far Field, Direct Field, and Reverberant Field
3.15 Room Equation
3.16 Sound Radiation From Idealized Structures
3.17 Standing Waves
3.18 Waveguides
3.19 Other Approaches
4 Human Hearing, Speech and Psychoacoustics
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Construction of Ear and Its Working
4.3 Subjective Response
4.4 Hearing Loss and Diseases (Disorders)
4.5 Speech Production
5 Effects of Noise, Vibration, and Shock on People
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Sleep Disturbance
5.3 Annoyance
5.4 Cardiovascular Effects
5.5 Cognitive Impairment
5.6 Infrasound, Low‐Frequency Noise, and Ultrasound
5.7 Intense Noise and Hearing Loss
5.8 Occupational Noise Regulations
5.9 Hearing Protection
5.10 Effects of Vibration on People
5.11 Metrics to Evaluate Effects of Vibration and Shock on People
6 Description, Criteria, and Procedures Used to Determine Human Response to Noise and Vibration
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Loudness and Annoyance
6.3 Loudness and Loudness Level
6.4 Noisiness and Perceived Noise Level
6.5 Articulation Index and Speech Intelligibility Index
6.6 Speech Interference Level
6.7 Indoor Noise Criteria
6.8 Equivalent Continuous SPL
6.9 Sound Exposure Level
6.10 Day–Night Equivalent SPL
6.11 Percentile SPLs
6.12 Evaluation of Aircraft Noise
6.13 Evaluation of Traffic