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Veterinary Endoscopy for the Small Animal Practitioner

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inflammatory polyps coalesced into a solid layer ...Figure 4.180 Two small irregular inflammatory polyps in the nasal cavity of ...Figure 4.181 A cluster of small irregular polyps in a dog with a nasal Asper...Figure 4.182 Large inflammatory polyps coalescing into a solid irregular mas...Figure 4.183 A tumor‐like mass in the nasal cavity of a dog with a nasal fun...Figure 4.184 A larger tumor‐like mass in the nasal cavity secondary to a nas...Figure 4.185 An area of septal destruction due to a nasal fungal infection. ...Figure 4.186 The bright iridescent metallic appearance of a small fungal col...Figure 4.187 A medium‐sized fungal colony showing the bright iridescent meta...Figure 4.188 A large fungal colony with areas of the bright iridescent metal...Figure 4.189 A small spherical dull fungal colony sitting directly on the mu...Figure 4.190 A small white smooth shiny fungal colony sitting on a bed of gr...Figure 4.191 A small white fuzzy fungal colony in the frontal sinus of a dog...Figure 4.192 An upright spherical nasal fungal colony partially obscured wit...Figure 4.193 An irregular fungal colony with a smooth surface in the frontal...Figure 4.194 A fuzzy fungal colony in the nasal cavity of the dog in Figure ...Figure 4.195 A fungal colony in the nasal cavity of a dog with fuzzy white a...Figure 4.196 A large black Aspergillus niger colony in the nasal cavity of a...Figure 4.197 Mucopurulent drainage in the caudodorsal nasal cavity of a dog ...Figure 4.198 Mucopurulent drainage from the frontal sinus of a dog with a fu...Figure 4.199 Thickening of the lining membrane and increased vascular patter...Figure 4.200 Removing fungal colony material from the nasal cavity of a dog ...Figure 4.201 Using a stone basket to remove a fungal colony from the frontal...Figure 4.202 A frontal sinus after complete removal of a fungal colony with ...Figure 4.203 Correct placement of nasopharynx occlusion catheters for use wi...Figure 4.204 Foreign material in the nasal cavity of a dog with an Aspergill...Figure 4.205 Fungal material surrounding a tooth foreign body in the nasal c...Figure 4.206 Thickening of the lymphatic tissue on the dorsal wall of the na...Figure 4.207 A nasopharyngeal mass partially filling the nasopharynx in a ca...Figure 4.208 A cryptococcal mass completely filling the nasopharynx of a cat...Figure 4.209 A nasal cavity cryptococcal mass in a cat with chronic nasal di...Figure 4.210 Mucopurulent nasal discharge in the nasal cavity of a cat with ...Figure 4.211 Turbinate distortion and loss of turbinate mass in a cat with a...Figure 4.212 Mucopurulent exudate in the nasal cavity of a dog with allergic...Figure 4.213 Hyperemic turbinate mucosa in a case of allergic rhinitis. Ther...Figure 4.214 Roughening of the turbinate mucosa in a case of allergic rhinit...Figure 4.215 A case of allergic rhinitis with roughening of the septa mucosa...Figure 4.216 Roughening of the dorsal surface of the nasopharynx in a dog wi...Figure 4.217 Friable mucosa damaged by minimal endoscope contact during rhin...Figure 4.218 Turbinate swelling with loss of interturbinate air space in a d...Figure 4.219 Mild turbinate distortion in a dog with allergic rhinitis.Figure 4.220 An inflammatory nodule on a turbinate in a dog with allergic rh...Figure 4.221 Multiple small inflammatory nodules on the dorsal wall of the n...Figure 4.222 Inflammatory nodules coalesced into a solid sheet on the dorsal...Figure 4.223 A solitary irregular inflammatory polyp in the nasal cavity of ...Figure 4.224 A cluster of small irregular inflammatory polyps in the nasal c...Figure 4.225 Inflammatory polyps appearing as large contiguous masses.Figure 4.226 A grass awn foreign body in the nasal cavity of a dog.Figure 4.227 A blade of grass in the nasal cavity of a dog. There is thick i...Figure 4.228 A metallic bullet fragment in the nasal cavity of a dog.Figure 4.229 An Oregon grape leaf in the nasal cavity of a dog.Figure 4.230 Unidentified amorphous organic material in the nasal cavity of ...Figure 4.231 Unidentifiable inorganic material in the nose of a dog.Figure 4.232 Unidentifiable friable inorganic material in the nasal cavity o...Figure 4.233 Thick inspissated exudate completely hiding the foreign body in...Figure 4.234 Mucopurulent exudate containing blood surrounding a nasal forei...Figure 4.235 Removing a nasal foreign body with standard alligator forceps. ...Figure 4.236 Undisturbed exudate adjacent to an abscessed tooth root in a do...Figure 4.237 Cyst‐like structures in the ventrolateral nasal cavity over inv...Figure 4.238 A fractured upper fourth premolar tooth associated with the cys...Figure 4.239 White turbinates in a cat with turbinate infarction and complet...Figure 4.240 Pale turbinates in a cat with decreased vascular supply due to ...Figure 4.241 White distorted turbinates in a cat with chronic turbinate infa...Figure 4.242 Turbinate destruction in a case of turbinate infarction with a ...Figure 4.243 Biopsy of infarcted turbinates produces minimal or no bleeding....Figure 4.244 Mild turbinate damage to an infarcted turbinate caused by conta...Figure 4.245 No bleeding even with significant iatrogenic turbinate trauma c...Figure 4.246 Mucopurulent exudate in the nasal cavity of a cat with turbinat...Figure 4.247 White avascular turbinates on one side of the nasal cavity in a...Figure 4.248 Normally vascularized turbinate tissue in the contralateral nas...Figure 4.249 An area of completely infarcted turbinate in the foreground wit...Figure 4.250 An area of white completely infarcted tissue on the right and a...Figure 4.251 Turbinate distortion and destruction in a chronic case of turbi...Figure 4.252 Inflammatory nodule formation in a cat with chronic turbinate i...Figure 4.253 A large irregular inflammatory polyp in a cat with chronic turb...Figure 4.254 An area of turbinates with loss of cartilage support in a cat w...Figure 4.255 A nasal airway stricture immediately caudal to the nares in an ...Figure 4.256 Laser correction of the stricture seen in Figure 4.255.Figure 4.257 Turbinate inflammation and distortion visible through the corre...Figure 4.258 Recurrence of the nasal stricture in Figures 4.255–4.257 two we...Figure 4.259 Laser ablation of the recurrent stricture in Figures 4.255–4.25...Figure 4.260 Turbinate inflammation, distortion, and destruction visible cau...Figure 4.261 Fibrosis and inflammation in the nasal cavity at the level of a...Figure 4.262 Inflammatory nodules in the nasal cavity of the dog with the in...Figure 4.263 Turbinate distortion and loss of turbinate mass in a dog with a...Figure 4.264 A grass awn in the deep horizontal ear canal that has penetrate...Figure 4.265 Marked hyperemia of the ipsilateral wall of the nasopharynx in ...Figure 4.266 An eight‐month‐old DSH cat with a middle ear polyp visible thro...Figure 4.267 The normal middle ear visible through a normal translucent tymp...Figure 4.268 A typical nasopharyngeal polyp seen in an 11‐year‐old DLH cat t...Figure 4.269 An atypical nasopharyngeal polyp visible in the ear canal of a ...Figure 4.270 A carcinoma in the ear canal of an eight‐year‐old DSH cat with ...Figure 4.271 Removing the external ear canal portion of a nasopharyngeal pol...Figure 4.272 A middle ear cavity that has had a polyp debrided with biopsy f...Figure 4.273 Three parts of a nasopharyngeal polyp removed from a cat. Rhino...Figure 4.274 An unusual extension of a malignant middle ear canal tumor thro...Figure 4.275 A small inflammatory lesion protruding from the eustachian tube...Figure 4.276 A close-up endoscopic view of the dorsal view of the nasal mite...Figure 4.277 A close-up lateral endoscopic view of the nasal mite “Pneumony...Figure 4.278 A solitary nasal mite in the nasal cavity of an eight-year-old...Figure 4.279 A solitary nasal mite in the frontal sinus of a dog.Figure 4.280 A solitary nasal mite in the nasopharynx of a dog.Figure 4.281 A herd of nasal mites in the nasopharynx of a three-year-old Go...Figure 4.282 An inflammatory reaction of the lymphatic tissue on the dorsal...Figure 4.283 Reactive hyperemic lymphoid tissue on the dorsal wall of the na...Figure 4.284 Solid thickened lymphatic tissue on the dorsal wall of the naso...Figure 4.285 A large mass originating on the dorsal wall of the nasopharynx ...Figure 4.286 An area of hyperemic lymphatic tissue representing the “felenoi...Figure 4.287 Thickened lymphatic tissue on the dorsal wall of the nasopharyn...Figure 4.288 A smooth mass on the dorsal wall of the nasopharynx of a 13‐yea...Figure 4.289 An irregular mass on the dorsal wall of the nasopharynx in a 11...Figure 4.290 An irregular enlarged nasal turbinate that histopathology revea...Figure 4.291 Septal thickening in the nasal cavity of the dog in Figure 4.29...Figure 4.292 Large hamartoma ridges extending from the right nasal cavity in...Figure 4.293 A nasopharyngeal hamartoma in a cat.Figure 4.294 Vascular dysplasia in a 14‐year‐old neutered male West Highland...Figure 4.295 Vascular dysplasia in a 12‐year‐old neutered male Schipperke. T...Figure 4.296 A close‐up of the vascular appearance in a free‐floating turbin...Figure 4.297 Mucosal hyperemia in a patient with rhinitis of undetermined or...Figure 4.298 Roughened nasal mucosa in a Great Dane dog with rhinitis with a...Figure 4.299 Enlarged prominent blood vessels in the nasal turbinate mucosa ...Figure 4.300 Enlarged blood vessels in the nasopharynx of a dog with rhiniti...Figure 4.301 Swollen thickened turbinates in a dog with rhinitis of undeterm...Figure 4.302 Numerous small inflammatory nodules.Figure 4.303 Pedunculated polyps in the nasal cavity of a dog with rhinitis ...Figure 4.304 An irregular cluster of inflammatory tissue.Figure 4.305 A large inflammatory tumor‐like mass in the nasal cavity of a d...Figure 4.306 Thickened turbinates seen in a rhinitis case with no documented...Figure