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City of Silver Roofs
The city of silver roofs.
In the soundless, in not reality, in colorlessness.
New essence.
As in good timeless fairy tales,
In the future, in the spring
Silence flows like a symphony…
DanZhel (poetry and essay under glass)
Parable about time
Having no flesh, and therefore feeling pain. With abysses instead of eyes, and therefore all-seeing. Possessing immeasurable cruelty and therefore giving life. Extremely merciful and therefore killing. Silent and therefore omniscient. All-knowing and therefore silent. From great to the incomprehensible. From incomprehensible to the great. Have power over thought and subject only to thought. Eternally living and therefore knowing death. Knowing death and therefore living forever.
He was white and airy.
She was a hot brunette.
She built a fire for him.
He gave her rain.
She disappeared around the corner of the wonderful mansion.
He became day and looked for her everywhere.
She exuded stars from the sparks, knowing that he
never see them, knowing that they are only for him.
He was looking for her.
He was looking for her.
Dedicated to my father – clarinetist Vladimir Danilchenko
The street musician played the evening. The jewels in the hat at his feet grew darker as the day melted into them. But the flowers waltzed in the ever-light snow. Passers-by hurried to the electric suns of their homes, leaving living blue sapphires at the musician’s feet. The musician played the evening.
Man and woman
Two wings,
Two winds
Two sides of the world
One flight.
Pen and paper
The woman is a white paper sheet. The man is a feather. The paper will readily accept words, thoughts, feelings, images entrusted to it by the pen. Paper is able to carefully preserve, glorify and perpetuate what is entrusted to it by the pen.
The paper will forgive blots and mistakes. The paper will make it possible to correct the crossed out lines. The paper, like white wings, will gladly lift up to the sun the essence expressed on its pure heart by the pen. There is no more fertile soil than a pure heart of paper. The union of pen and paper gives rise to the richest shoots, but only when all the letters are titled with the words – «I love you.»
I will go,
As in delirium
On the thinnest ice.
I will find
That dream
That star —
I will fall —
Well, let,
But the path is righteous.
I will rise
I will smile
I will pray —
And go ahead!
To that star —
The berries of eternity
With a basket of light gray heather of time
Eternity walked on by fate, as if on berries.
In the forest villages of the wingless sleeping tribe
She looked for herbs for sunny wines and medicines.
Parallel winds merged in the unity of breath.
Myrrh gave incense to the good winds.
In the basket are the buds of the spring flowers
of the universe,
The moisture of the rains and the reflection
of the heavenly lightning.
In a basket of light gray heather of time.
The letter «O»
My wings are dropping
When I meet evil
Without beginning or end
Without the back of the head and face
Painfully flattened «O»
Screaming crooked «O»
There is no smoke in it, no fire
It has no personality, no «I».
«O» is not my enemy and not my friend,
Just a curly-sided circle.
My wings rise
When I meet evil.
I soar above evil.
Only sound
Only «O»,
Evil is nothing.
In the labyrinths of rain wanders girl
Barefoot, blue-eyed.
The red curl sticks to the cheek,
She ate cherries – now grimy.
Laughs like the sun in the morning
Over a world obscure wise
And everything is easy for her, that is difficult
And all that is usually a miracle.
Teach me, dear girl
To be lighter than a white lily.
Teach you to believe in a fairy tale where is summer
Will decorate the meadows with gouache,
Where did the carriage come from the pumpkin
And where is the kind Baba Yaga.
(Negative character of Russian fairy tales)
Teach a quiet song to hear