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Bio-Based Epoxy Polymers, Blends, and Composites

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Linolenic 7 10 52 1 0.5 — Castor — — — — 87.5 — Other — 2 — — — 2 Functionality 4.6 3.8 6.6 4.6 2.8 1.8

      Carboxylic acids with one to seven carbon atoms are the most commonly used (in practice, mainly acetic acid). Inorganic or organic acids and their salts, as well as acidic esters, can be used as catalysts; however, sulfuric and phosphoric acid are the most often used in industrial practice. A promising method is oxidation in the presence of enzymes [4], heteropolyacids [5], and even ion exchange resins [6] as catalysts. The most commonly used oxidizing agent is hydrogen peroxide in the form of solution with a concentration of 35–90% (usually 50%). Epoxidation of plant oils in ionic liquids, as well as in supercritical carbon dioxide, is also described [7].

Chemical reaction of triglyceride epoxidation with organic peracids. Chemical structure of cationic photoinitiators.