Khairulla Saidullayev

Technology of advertising video from concept to implementation

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has its own approach and laws. Let’s define these principles separately, so that we can proceed to a more detailed consideration of the advertising genre.

      1.2.1 Television directing (ТD)

      The main distinguishing feature of TD is the speed of material creation. Reports from the scene of events, sports competitions, tragedies and holidays should be submitted not only in a timely manner, but also in a high-quality and interesting way. Here, to a certain extent, impromptu and improvisation is allowed, there is a place for experiment.

      That’s why a TV Director must be not only experienced, but also versatile, able to combine the qualities of a cameraman, make-up artist, actor, screenwriter, sound engineer and lighting designer.

      TD to some extent allows impromptu, can actively use experimentation, improvisation. The Director should be a bit of everything: an actor, cameraman, make-up artist, costume designer, screenwriter and all other specialists who are present on the set. Such a person should be extremely mobile, ready for difficult working conditions and circumstances.

      1.2.2. Film direction

      In contrast to television, the film Director delves deeper into the essence of the project being implemented, he spends more time analyzing the plot and creating images, sometimes becoming a «second father» for the entire film crew.

      Training in the profession of film Director is conducted within the walls of higher educational institutions of film and television, and is closely intertwined with other professions. There are many similarities between TV and film directing, but there is also one major difference: the TV Director creates the story «on the go» and in his head, when the film Director does the same during editing. Editing in a movie creates a story.

      1.2.3. Documentary directing

      This genre does not require the participation of actors or screenwriters, as in documentaries, the plot creates life. A documentary filmmaker must have the gift of seeing striking and powerful moments in everyday life, building an unusual story, and live footage.

      In this regard, I would like to note the achievements of screen art directing, which uses computer graphics, moving images, and slide shows based on the storyline.

      1.2.4. Directing ads

      Visual content and live videos are an effective promotion tool. Today, such advertising is in high demand due to the increased development of market relations. Creating such content is possible only with the help of competent advertising direction. Numerous technologies and tools are also used to create effective advertising. We will talk about them later.

      1.3. Effective advertising technologies

      Visual content and live videos are an effective promotion tool. Today, such advertising is in high demand due to the increased development of market relations. Creating such content is possible only with the help of competent advertising direction. Numerous technologies and tools are also used to create effective advertising. We will talk about them later.

      There are a number of classical principles that are used to create effective TV advertising, i.e. audio-visual content that correctly affects the viewer / consumer:

      · Immediately arouse interest, and for this you have the first 3 seconds, since they are crucial.

      · Experiment with the main image that will transform what you want to convey in an attractive way.

      · One short ad video contains no more than one story – let it be clear and interesting for the viewer.

      · Packshot – or a demonstration of a product, service, or company logo at the end of the video close-up (the last shots are remembered best!).

      · Use humor in your stories, as positive emotions make the stories lively and easy.

      Advertising can be compared to a game where everyone is invited to play. Spam and a thousand repetitive ads are ignored daily. Another thing is videos that can cause a smile in the viewer, and at the same time pleasant associations. As noted in research, a pleasant ad that you like doubles

      product sales, as opposed to emotionally neutral. It should be remembered that it is the incentive to buy and sell that is the main goal of any advertising.

      Music videos are also intended to appeal to the audience for a limited time, since most viewers view new video clips for no more than 30 seconds. It is half a minute that makes up the timing of the commercial, and during this limited time it is necessary to implement the installation of the plot and the main idea.

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