Andrew Rudalevige

Executive Policymaking

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was reinforced, with OMB focusing less on the specifics of program budgets and emphasizing budget aggregates, particularly under President Bush.46 Presidents Clinton and Bush both made cuts in OMB staff, despite its responsibility for the National Performance Review under Clinton and the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) under Bush.

      Budget Deficits and Debt as % GDP

Year Deficit as % GDP Debt as % GDP
2002 1.5 32.6
2003 3.3 34.5
2004 3.4 35.5
2005 2.5 35.6
2006 1.8 35.3
2007 1.1 35.2

      Source: Congressional Budget Office, The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2018–2028 (April 2018), Appendix E-1, p. 145.

      After Simpson-Bowles failed, President Obama made a proposal to House Speaker John Boehner for a $4 trillion deficit-reducing “Grand Bargain,” which included cuts in Social Security and Medicare in exchange for tax increases. Obama would probably have been able to win support from congressional Democrats, but the Freedom Caucus of Republican conservatives in the House would not agree to the tax increases, and Boehner abandoned negotiations (table 2-4).

      After the failure of Simpson-Bowles and the attempted Grand Bargain, Congress passed the Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA), which raised the debt ceiling (after a downgrade of U.S. bonds by Standard and Poor from AAA to AA+) and created the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (Super Committee) to propose a deficit reduction plan.

      Budget Deficits and Debt as % GDP

Year Deficit as % GDP Debt as % GDP
2008 3.1 39.3
2009 9.8 52.3
2010 8.7 60.9
2011 8.5 65.9
2012 6.8 70.4

      Source: Congressional Budget Office, The Budget and Economic Outlook: 2018–2028 (April 2018), Appendix E-1, p. 145.

      Initial Trump Budgets