We can compactify the notation by introducing the definitions
where the subscript D stands for “Dirac representation”. Explicitly we have
We may collect these matrices into a 4-tuplet
This equation implies that ψ(r, t) is also a solution of the Klein–Gordon equation (3.8). We thus have the following Fourier decomposition into positive and negative energy solutions,
For ψ(x) to be a solution of the Dirac equation (4.8), the (positive and negative energy) Dirac spinors U(p, σ) and V(p, σ) must satisfy the equations
Recalling the explicit form (4.7) of the
with c the “charge conjugation” matrix defined by
Notice that
The matrix c has the fundamental property3
The following algebraic relations will turn out to be useful:
We further have
In the Dirac representation, γ5 is the off-diagonal 4 × 4 matrix
In order to fix the normalization constants in (4.11), we need to choose a scalar product. To this end we observe that
Hence the Dirac operator iγμ∂μ − m is hermitian with respect to the “Dirac” scalar product
Correspondingly we normalize the Dirac spinors by requiring4
which finally leads in the Dirac representation to the normalized Dirac spinors
Dirac spinors in the Weyl representation
We now present a derivation of the Dirac equation based on group-theoretical arguments alone. Our fundamental requirement will be that the solution of the “relativistic Schrödinger equation” should belong to a representation of the Lorentz group. In particular consider the irreducible representations (1/2,0) and (0,1/2) in (2.28). Denoting the wave functions in the respective representations by φ(x) and
The operators acting on these fields are thus given by 2 × 2 matrices. A complete set of such matrices is given by the identity and the three Pauli matrices. As we next show the set of four matrices5
transform as a “4-vector” in the following sense:
Note that these transformation laws cannot be interpreted as a change in basis. They are easily verified for an infinitesimal Lorentz transformation
and the corresponding expression for the (1/2,0) and (0,1/2) representations (2.29) and (2.30) with
We have
Notice that the rotational part does not care about which of the two representations we are in. Keeping only terms linear in the parameters we have
(i)for t0 = 1,