Anne Cary Maudslay

A Glimpse at Guatemala

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of which adequate thanks could be tendered to him, I must here content myself with assuring him of my gratitude for allowing me to reproduce the reduced copies of certain maps, plans, photographs, and drawings which have already appeared, or are about to be issued, in the Archæological section of the ‘Biologia.’

      The greatest pleasure which the completion of this volume could have afforded to my wife and myself has, alas! been denied to us: we cannot place a copy of it in the hands of Osbert Salvin. What loss science has suffered by his death it is not for me to say; but how great the loss is to his friends I have good reason to know, for to his enduring patience, his never-failing sympathy, his sound advice, and affectionate friendship I owe more than I can here express. In the preparation of this volume, about the land he knew so well and with which his name must ever be associated, he took such a kindly and helpful interest that his connection with it will always remain amongst the happiest of our memories.

      I cannot close this preface without offering my sincere thanks to Miss Annie Hunter and her sisters, and to all those who have been concerned in the preparation of the drawings and the reproduction of the illustrations, for the interest they have taken in the work entrusted to them and the carefulness with which it has been carried out. In conclusion, I am glad to express my acknowledgments for the good services rendered to me by the companions in my travels, the men of the Lopez family, and especially my friend Gorgonio, whose gentle manners and sweet disposition helped to smooth over many a bad half-hour during my earlier expeditions, and whose ceaseless vigilance over the welfare of my wife during our last journey did so much to lessen for her the discomforts of camp-life.

      A. P. M.

Decorative divider

       Table of Contents

Plan of the Ruined Town between Guatemala and Mixco. (A. P. M.) 18
Utatlan, the ancient capital of the Quichés. to face 62
Ruins near Rabinal. (2 plates.) to face 102
Ground-plan of Tlachtli Court. 104
Copan. Plan of the principal ruined structures. to face 118
Sketch-map of the site of the Ruins. 127
Quirigua. Plan of the Ruins. (C. Blockley and H. W. Price.) to face 148
Ixkun. Plan of the Ruins. (A. P. M.) to face 174
Yaxché. Ground-plan of a Temple. 177
Arrangement of Mounds on a hill-top. 178
Chichén Itzá. Plan of the Ruins. to face 200
Plan of the Great Ball Court. to face 204
Palenque. Plan of the principal group of Ruins. (Surveyed by H. W. Price.) 218
Plan of the Palace. to face 226
Plan and Section of the Temple of the Sun. 228
Tikál. Plan of the Ruins. (A. P. M.) to face 232
Plan of the Foundation-mound and Temple A. 233
Plan and Section of Temple B. 233
Plan of Temple D. 234
Menché Tinamit. Plan of the Ruins. to face 238
Map of Guatemala and the adjacent Countries. 272

      The Maps and Plans are reduced copies of those already published, or in course of publication in the ‘Biologia Centrali-Americana’ (Archæology).

      End Papers. Drawn from ancient American originals by Miss Annie Hunter.

      Photogravures. By the Swan Electric Engraving Company.

      Chromolithographs. By W. Griggs & Sons, Ltd.

      Etchings on Tissue. By the Typographic Etching Company.

      Index. By Miss M. H. James.

       Table of Contents

Page 151, for Brockley read Blockley.
4, dosing dozing.
191, Izamal