Diogenes Laertius

The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers

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him the following answer, which is thus given by Callimachus in his Epigrams.

      Hyrradius’ prudent son, old Pittacus

      The pride of Mitylene, once was asked

      By an Atarnean stranger; “Tell me, sage,

      I have two marriages proposed to me;

      One maid my equal is in birth and riches;

      The other’s far above me;—which is best?

      Advise me now which shall I take to wife?”

      Thus spoke the stranger; but the aged prince,

      Raising his old man’s staff before his face,

      Said, “These will tell you all you want to know;”

      And pointed to some boys, who with quick lashes

      Were driving whipping tops along the street.

      “Follow their steps,” said he; so he went near them

      And heard them say, “Let each now mind his own.”—

      So when the stranger heard the boys speak thus,

      He pondered on their words, and laid aside

      Ambitious thoughts of an unequal marriage.

      As then he took to shame the poorer bride,

      So too do you, O reader, mind thy own.

      And it seems that he may have here spoken from experience, for his own wife was of more noble birth than himself, since she was the sister of Draco, the son of Penthilus; and she gave herself great airs, and tyrannized over him.


      IX. Alcæus calls Pittacus σαράπους and σάραπος, because he was splay-footed, and used to drag his feet in walking, he also called him χειροπόδης, because he had scars on his feet which were called χειράδες. And γαύρηξ, implying that he gave himself airs without reason. And φύσκων and γάστρων, because he was fat. He also called him ζοφοδορπίδας, because he had weak eyes, and ἀγάσυρτος, because he was lazy and dirty. He used to grind corn for the sake of exercise, as Clearchus, the philosopher, relates.

      X. There is a letter of his extant, which runs thus:—


      You invite me to come to Lydia in order that I may see your riches; but I, even without seeing them, do not doubt that the son of Alyattes is the richest of monarchs. But I should get no good by going to Sardis; for I do not want gold myself, but what I have is sufficient for myself and my companions. Still, I will come, in order to become acquainted with you as a hospitable man.

       Table of Contents

      I. Bias was a citizen of Priene, and the son of Teutamus, and by Satyrus he is put at the head of the seven wise men. Some writers affirm that he was one of the richest men of the city; but others say that he was only a settler. And Phanodicus says, that he ransomed some Messenian maidens who had been taken prisoners, and educated them as his own daughters, and gave them dowries, and then sent them back to Messina to their fathers. And when, as has been mentioned before, the tripod was found near Athens by some fishermen, the brazen tripod I mean, which bore the inscription—“For the Wise;” then Satyrus says that the damsels (but others, such as Phanodicus, say that it was their father,) came into the assembly, and said that Bias was the wise man—recounting what he had done to them: and so the tripod was sent to him. But Bias, when he saw it, said that it was Apollo who was “the Wise,” and would not receive the tripod.


      II. But others say that he consecrated it at Thebes to Hercules, because he himself was a descendant of the Thebans, who had sent a colony to Priene, as Phanodicus relates. It is said also that when Alyattes was besieging Priene, Bias fattened up two mules, and drove them into his camp; and that the king, seeing the condition that the mules were in, was astonished at their being able to spare food to keep the brute beasts so well, and so he desired to make peace with them, and sent an ambassador to them. On this Bias, having made some heaps of sand, and put corn on the top, showed them to the convoy; and Alyattes, hearing from him what he had seen, made peace with the people of Priene; and then, when he sent to Bias, desiring him to come quickly to him, “Tell Alyattes, from me” he replied, “to eat onions;”—which is the same as if he had said, “go and weep.”

      III. It is said that he was very energetic and eloquent when pleading causes; but that he always reserved his talents for the right side. In reference to which Demodicus of Alerius uttered the following enigmatical saying—“If you are a judge, give a Prienian decision.” And Hipponax says, “More excellent in his decisions than Bias of Priene.” Now he died in this manner:—

      IV. Having pleaded a cause for some one when he was exceedingly old, after he had finished speaking, he leaned back with his head on the bosom of his daughter’s son; and after the advocate on the opposite side had spoken, and the judges had given their decision in favour of Bias’s client, when the court broke up he was found dead on his grandson’s bosom. And the city buried him in the greatest magnificence, and put over him this inscription—

      Beneath this stone lies Bias, who was born

      In the illustrious Prienian land,

      The glory of the whole Ionian race.

      And we ourselves have also written an epigram on him—

      Here Bias lies, whom, when the hoary snow

      Had crowned his aged temples, Mercury

      Unpitying led to Pluto’s darken’d realms.

      He pleaded his friend’s cause, and then reclin’d

      In his child’s arms, repos’d in lasting sleep.

      V. He also wrote about two thousand verses on Ionia, to show in what matter a man might best arrive at happiness; and of all his poetical sayings these have the greatest reputation:—

      Seek to please all the citizens, even though

      Your house may be in an ungracious city.

      For such a course will favour win from all:

      But haughty manners oft produce destruction.

      And this one too:—

      Great strength of body is the gift of nature;

      But to be able to advise whate’er

      Is most expedient for one’s country’s good,

      Is the peculiar work of sense and wisdom.

      Another is:—

      Great riches come to many men by chance.

      He used also to say that that man was unfortunate who could not support misfortune; and that it is a disease of the mind to desire what was impossible, and to have no regard for the misfortunes of others. Being asked what was difficult, he said—“To bear a change of fortune for the worse with magnanimity.” Once he was on a voyage with some impious men, and the vessel was overtaken by a storm; so they began to invoke the assistance of the Gods; on which he said, “Hold your tongues, lest they should find out that you are in this ship.” When he was asked by an impious man what piety was, he made no reply; and when his questioner demanded the reason of his silence, he said, “I am silent because you are putting questions about things with which you have no concern.” Being asked what was pleasant to men, he replied, “Hope.” It was a saying of his that it was more agreeable to decide between enemies than between friends; for that of friends, one was sure to become