1000 (circa) The Northmen reach America. 1492 Columbus lands at Watling’s Island. 1497 John Cabot lands near the mouth of the St. Lawrence. 1498 Voyage of Sebastian Cabot. 1499–1503 Americus Vespucius makes four voyages to America. 1512 Ponce de Leon discovers Florida. 1513 Balboa discovers the Pacific. 1520 Magellan passes the straits named after him. 1541 De Soto discovers the Mississippi River. 1562–1564 Huguenots in South Carolina and Florida. 1565 St. Augustine, Florida, founded by the Spanish. 1577–1580 Drake makes his voyage round the world. 1584–1587 Sir Walter Raleigh sends out colonists. 1607 Founding of Jamestown, Virginia. 1608 Champlain founds Quebec. 1609 Hudson discovers the Hudson River. 1614 The Dutch settle on Manhattan Island. 1620 Landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth. 1626 The Dutch found New Amsterdam (New York City). 1630 Winthrop leads Puritan emigration to Massachusetts. 1630 Boston founded. 1632 Charter for Maryland granted the second Lord Baltimore. 1634 St. Mary’s, Maryland, founded. 1635 Settlements made in Connecticut. 1636 Roger Williams founds Providence, Rhode Island. 1636 Harvard College founded. 1638 New Haven settled. 1638 Swedes occupy Delaware. 1639 Constitution of Connecticut framed. 1643 New England Confederacy established. 1663 Government organized in North Carolina. 1664 The English seize New Netherland and settle in New Jersey. 1670 Settlement in South Carolina. Charleston founded. 1674–1676 King Philip’s War. 1676 Bacon’s Rebellion in Virginia. 1682 La Salle explores Mississippi River. 1682 Philadelphia founded. 1689–1697 King William’s War. 1690 Colonial Congress at New York. 1692 Salem witchcraft. 1692 William and Mary College (Virginia) founded. 1697 Peace of Ryswick. 1701 Detroit founded. 1701 Yale College founded. 1702–1703 Queen Anne’s War. 1713 Treaty of Utrecht. 1718 The French found New Orleans. 1730 Baltimore founded. 1733 Savannah founded. 1744–1748 King George’s War. 1745 Capture of Louisburg. 1746 Princeton College founded. 1748 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. 1754 King’s (Columbia) College founded. 1754 French and Indian War begins (ends 1763). 1755 Braddock’s defeat. 1759 Capture of Quebec. 1763 Peace of Paris. 1763 The Conspiracy of Pontiac. 1765 The Stamp Act passed. 1766 Repeal of Stamp Act. 1767 Townshend Acts. 1768 British troops in Boston. 1770 Boston Massacre. 1773 “Boston Tea-party.” 1774 Boston Port Bill. 1774 First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia. 1775 Battles of Lexington and Concord. Siege of Boston. Battle of Bunker Hill. 1775 Mecklenburg Resolutions. 1776 Declaration of Independence. 1777 Victories of Princeton, Bennington, and Saratoga. Defeats of Brandywine and Germantown. Washington at Valley Forge. 1778 France becomes an ally of the United States. 1779 Naval victories of Paul Jones. 1780 Arnold’s treason. 1781 Articles of Confederation finally agreed to. 1781 Battle of Cowpens. Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown. 1782 Preliminary treaty with Great Britain. 1783 Peace of Versailles. 1787 Federal Convention frames the Constitution. 1787 Ordinance concerning the Northwest Territory passed by Congress. 1788 The states ratify the Constitution. 1789 Washington inaugurated at New York. Organization of Congress and the Departments. 1792 Formation of Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties. 1793 Washington’s proclamation of neutrality. 1795 Jay’s Treaty ratified. 1798 The Alien and Sedition Laws. 1798 The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. 1800 The city of Washington becomes the national capital. 1801 Jefferson elected President by the House of Representatives. 1803 Purchase of Louisiana. 1804 Expedition of Lewis and Clark. 1807 Fulton’s steamboat. 1807 Passage of the Embargo. 1809 The Non-intercourse Act. 1812 War with Great Britain. 1814 The British capture Washington. 1814 The Hartford Convention. 1814 The Treaty of Ghent. 1815 The battle of New Orleans. 1819 Florida purchased from Spain. 1820 First Missouri Compromise. 1823 Monroe Doctrine. 1825 Erie Canal opened. 1830 Hayne-Webster debate. 1830 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad opened. 1832 Nullification in South Carolina. 1832 Rise of the Whig party. 1833 Chicago founded. 1836 Independence of Texas. 1840 Sub-treasury system established. 1840 Liberty party formed. 1842 Ashburton Treaty. 1842 Dorr’s Rebellion in Rhode Island. 1844 Morse completes the first telegraph line. 1846–1848 Mexican War. 1846 Wilmot Proviso. 1846 Oregon Treaty. 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. 1848 Discovery of gold in California. 1850 Compromise of 1850. 1850 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty. 1852 Rise of Know-Nothing party. 1853 Gadsden Purchase. 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Bill. 1854 Republican party formed. 1855 Struggle in Kansas. 1857 Dred Scott Decision. 1858 First Atlantic cable. 1858 Lincoln-Douglas debates. 1859 John Brown’s raid. 1860 Election of Lincoln. Secession of South Carolina. 1861–1865 The Civil War. 1862 Fight between Merrimac and Monitor. 1863 Proclamation of Emancipation. 1863 Battle of Gettysburg. Capture of Vicksburg. 1864 Battle of the Wilderness. 1865 Surrender of Lee and Johnson. 1865 Assassination of Lincoln. 1866 Successful laying of the Atlantic cable. 1867 Congressional system of reconstruction. 1867 Purchase of Alaska. 1868 Impeachment of President Johnson. 1869 Completion of the Pacific Railroad. 1871 Treaty of Washington. 1876 Electoral Commission. 1877 Troops withdrawn from the South. 1879 Resumption of specie payments. 1883 Civil Service Reform Commission. 1892 Rise of People’s Party. 1898 War declared with Spain. Treaty of Paris. Acquisition of the Philippines. 1898 Annexation of Hawaii. 1901 Hay-Pauncefote Treaty. 1902 Panama Canal authorized. 1905 Treaty