Kimberly Morrow-Leong

Mathematize It! [Grades 6-8]

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can’t wait to use Mathematize It! in my work with teachers and students! The excellent examples, including actual student work and teacher commentaries, highlight the complexity of the problem situations in a way that is clear and usable for classroom teachers and for those of us who support them. The focus on operation sense, understanding the role that each quantity plays, and connecting representations to problems makes this a must read for anyone helping students become successful problem solvers. I especially appreciate the inclusion of non-whole-number examples!”

       Julie McNamara

      Associate Professor

      Author of Beyond Pizzas & Pies (With Meghan Shaughnessy) and Beyond Invert & Multiply

      California State University, East Bay, Hayward, CA

      “This book is a must-have for anyone who has faced the challenge of teaching problem solving. The ideas to be learned are supported with a noticeably rich collection of classroom-ready problems, examples of student thinking, and videos. Problem solving is at the center of learning and doing mathematics. And so, Mathematize It! should be at the center of every teacher’s collection of instructional resources.”

       John SanGiovanni

      Coordinator, Elementary Mathematics

      Howard County Public School System, Ellicott City, MD

      “Finally! An answer for equipping students in making sense of word problems. Mathematize It! clarifies the challenges in problem solving and gives concrete steps and advice on understanding problem contexts and the mathematics involved. The examples, student work, and videos throughout the book bring ideas to life, and make their implementation doable. This is a must-read for every math teacher who desires their students to truly understand the role of mathematics in the world.”

       Nanci N. Smith

      Associate Professor, Mathematics and Education

      Arizona Christian University, Glendale, AZ

      Author of Every Math Learner

      Mathematize It! The Book at a Glance

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      Mathematize It!

      Grades 6–8

      Mathematize It!

       Going Beyond Key Words to Make Sense of Word Problems

      Grades 6–8

       Kimberly Morrow-Leong,

       Sara Delano Moore, and

       Linda M. Gojak


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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Morrow-Leong, Kimberly, author. | Moore, Sara Delano, 1966- author. | Gojak, Linda, author.

      Title: Mathematize it! : going beyond key words to make sense of word problems, grades 6-8 / Kimberly Morrow Leong, Sara Delano Moore, and Linda M. Gojak.

      Description: Thousand Oaks, California : Corwin, [2021] | Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2020012020 | ISBN 9781506354484 (paperback) | ISBN 9781071819876 (epub) | ISBN 9781071819869 (ebook) | ISBN 9781071819852 (adobe pdf)

      Subjects: LCSH: Word problems (Mathematics) | Mathematics—Study and teaching (Middle school)

      Classification: LCC QA63 .M656 2021 | DDC 510.71/2—dc23 LC record available at

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