J. Franck Bright

A History of England, Period III. Constitutional Monarchy

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1754 Pelham's death gives the Government to Newcastle, 1018 Approaching danger from India and America, 1018 Newcastle tries to confine the war to the colonies,; 1019 George's anxiety for Hanover, 1020 1755 His subsidiary treaties against Prussia, 1020 1756 The French capture Minorca, 1021 Newcastle resigns, 1021 1757 Pitt's vigorous government, 1022 1754 Europe prepares for war, 1023 1756 The Seven Years' War begins, 1023 Alliance between England and Prussia, 1023 Frederick's first campaign, 1023 Foreign policy of the various parties in England, 1024 1757 Disasters of the year, 1025 1758 Change of generals, 1026 Success in America, 1026 Victory of Creveld, 1027 Expeditions to Cherbourg and St. Malo, 1027 1759 Naval victories of Lagos and Quiberon, 1028 Capture of Quebec, 1029 Victory of Minden, 1031 1760 Frederick's campaign, 1032 Battle of Torgau, 1033 Pre-eminence of Pitt, 1033 Death of the King, 1033

       Table of Contents

Bute's influence over the young King, 1035
George's view of royalty, 1036
1761 Signs of a change of ministry, 1037
The campaign of 1761 produces a desire for peace, 1037
Negotiations between France and England, 1038
Pitt, suspecting the Family Compact, opposes peace, 1038
Pitt resigns. Bute becomes Premier, 1039
1762 War with Spain, 1039
Peace with France concluded, 1040
1763 Close of the Seven Years' War, 1041
Attack on the Whigs, 1041
Bute resigns, 1041
The Triumvirate ministry, 1042
The Bedford ministry, 1042
The trial of Wilkes, 1043
Origin of the American provinces, 1045
Restrictions on colonial trade, 1046
1764 Suppression of smuggling, 1047
1765 The Stamp Act, 1047
1765 The King's illness, 1048
The Regency Bill, 1048
Negotiations for a change of ministry, 1049
Pitt retires into private life, 1050
Ministry of the Whig Houses, 1050
The question of American taxation, 1051
1766 Return of Pitt and his declaration of views, 1051
The Stamp Act repealed, 1052
Weakness of the Government, 1052
Pitt becomes Lord Chatham and Prime Minister, 1053
His comprehensive plans, 1054
1767 His illness and