J. M. Barrie

The Little Minister

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dare to interfere, Mr. Dishart," Struthers said savagely.

      "Andrew Struthers," said Gavin solemnly, "in the name of God I order you to leave me alone. If you don't," he added ferociously, "I'll fling you over the stair."

      "Dinna heed him, Andrew," some one shouted and another cried, "He canna understand our sufferings; he has dinner ilka day."

      Struthers faltered, however, and Gavin cast his eye over the armed men.

      "Rob Dow," he said, "William Carmichael, Thomas Whamond, William

       Munn, Alexander Hobart, Henders Haggart, step forward."

      These were Auld Lichts, and when they found that the minister would not take his eyes off them, they obeyed, all save Rob Dow.

      "Never mind him, Rob," said the atheist, Cruickshanks, "it's better playing cards in hell than singing psalms in heaven."

      "Joseph Cruickshanks," responded Gavin grimly, "you will find no cards down there."

      Then Rob also came to the foot of the stair. There was some angry

       muttering from the crowd, and young Charles Yuill exclaimed,

       "Curse you, would you lord it ower us on week-days as weel as on


      "Lay down your weapons," Gavin said to the six men.

      They looked at each other. Hobart slipped his pike behind his back.

      "I hae no weapon," he said slily.

      "Let me hae my fling this nicht," Dow entreated, "and I'll promise to bide sober for a twelvemonth."

      "Oh, Rob, Rob!" the minister said bitterly, "are you the man I prayed with a few hours ago?"

      The scythe fell from Rob's hands.

      "Down wi' your pikes," he roared to his companions, "or I'll brain you wi' them."

      "Ay, lay them down," the precentor whispered, "but keep your feet on them."

      Then the minister, who was shaking with excitement, though he did not know it, stretched forth his arms for silence, and it came so suddenly as to frighten the people in the neighboring streets.

      "If he prays we're done for," cried young Charles Yuill. but even in that hour many of the people were unbonneted.

      "Oh, Thou who art the Lord of hosts," Gavin prayed, "we are in Thy hands this night. These are Thy people, and they have sinned; but Thou art a merciful God, and they were sore tried, and knew not what they did. To Thee, our God, we turn for deliverance, for without Thee we are lost."

      The little minister's prayer was heard all round the square, and many weapons were dropped as an Amen to it.

      "If you fight," cried Gavin, brightening as he heard the clatter of the iron on the stones, "your wives and children may be shot in the streets. These soldiers have come for a dozen of you; will you be benefited if they take away a hundred?"

      "Oh, hearken to him," cried many women.

      "I winna," answered a man, "for I'm ane o' the dozen. Whaur's the



      Gavin saw the crowd open, and the woman of Windy ghoul come out of it, and, while he should have denounced her, he only blinked, for once more her loveliness struck him full in the eyes. She was beside him on the stair before he became a minister again.

      "How dare you, woman?" he cried; but she flung a rowan berry at him.

      "If I were a man," she exclaimed, addressing the people, "I wouldna let myself be catched like a mouse in a trap."

      "We winna," some answered.

      "What kind o' women are you," cried the Egyptian, her face gleaming as she turned to her own sex, "that bid your men folk gang to gaol when a bold front would lead them to safety? Do you want to be husbandless and hameless?"

      "Disperse, I command you!" cried Gavin. "This abandoned woman is inciting you to riot."

      "Dinna heed this little man," the Egyptian retorted.

      It is curious to know that even at that anxious moment Gavin winced because she called him little.

      "She has the face of a mischief-maker," he shouted, "and her words are evil."

      "You men and women o' Thrums," she responded, "ken that I wish you weel by the service I hae done you this nicht. Wha telled you the sojers was coming?"

      "It was you; it was you!"

      "Ay, and mony a mile I ran to bring the news, Listen, and I'll tell you mair."

      "She has a false tongue," Gavin cried; "listen not to the brazen woman."

      "What I have to tell," she said, "is as true as what I've telled already, and how true that is you a' ken. You're wondering how the sojers has come to a stop at the tap o' the brae instead o' marching on the town. Here's the reason. They agreed to march straucht to the square if the alarm wasna given, but if it was they were to break into small bodies and surround the town so that you couldna get out. That's what they're doing now."

      At this the screams were redoubled, and many men lifted the weapons they had dropped.

      "Believe her not," cried Gavin. "How could a wandering gypsy know all this?"

      "Ay, how can you ken?" some demanded.

      "It's enough that I do ken," the Egyptian answered. "And this mair I ken, that the captain of the soldiers is confident he'll nab every one o' you that's wanted anless you do one thing."

      "What is 't?"

      "If you a' run different ways you're lost, but if you keep thegither you'll be able to force a road into the country, whaur you can scatter. That's what he's fleid you'll do."

      "Then it's what we will do."

      "It is what you will not do," Gavin said passionately. "The truth is not in this wicked woman."

      But scarcely had he spoken when he knew that startling news had reached the square. A murmur arose on the skirts of the mob, and swept with the roar of the sea towards the town-house. A detachment of the soldiers were marching down the Roods from the north.

      "There's some coming frae the east-town end," was the next intelligence; "and they've gripped Sanders Webster, and auld Charles Yuill has given himsel' up."

      "You see, you see," the gypsy said, flashing triumph at Gavin.

      "Lay down your weapons," Gavin cried, but his power over the people had gone.

      "The Egyptian spoke true," they shouted; "dinna heed the minister."

      Gavin tried to seize the gypsy by the shoulders, but she slipped past him down the stair, and crying "Follow me!" ran round the town-house and down the brae.

      "Woman!" he shouted after her, but she only waved her arms scornfully. The people followed her, many of the men still grasping their weapons, but all in disorder. Within a minute after Gavin saw the gleam of the ring on her finger, as she waved her hands, he and Dow were alone in the square.

      "She's an awfu' woman that," Rob said." I saw her lauching."

      Gavin ground his teeth.

      "Rob Dow," he said, slowly, "if I had not found Christ I would have throttled that woman. You saw how she flouted me?"

       Table of Contents


      Dow looked shamefacedly at the minister, and then set off up the square.