Nobis plana faciens,
Tu de verbis Salvatoris
Dulcem panem conficis,
Et propinas potum vitæ
De Psalmorum nectare.
Tu de vita clericorum
Sanctam scribis Regulam,
Quam qui amant et sequuntur
Viam tenent regiam,
Atque tuo sancto ductu
Redeunt ad Patriam.
Regi regum salus, vita,
Decus et imperium:
Trinitati laus et honor
Sit per omne sæculum:
Qui concives nos adscribat
Supernorum civium. Amen.
[1] The Ascent of Mount Carmel by S. John of the Cross. Prefatory Essay on the Development of Mysticism in the Carmelite Order, by Benedict Zimmerman, O.C.D., pp. 13–17. (London: Thomas Baker, 1906.)
[2] Valgornera, O.P., Mystica Theologia D. Thomæ, ed. Berthier. 2 Vols. Turin, 1890–91.
[3] "In ætate tam tenera et scibilium nescia, qui necdum se scire poterat, miro modo Deum adhuc nesciens, divino ductus instinctu scire quærebat. De quo futurum erat, ut, dum sic anxius maturius Deum præ aliis quæreret, clarius præ ceteris, quæ scire futurus erat, scriberet, quæ de Deo, ipso donante, studiosius et citius inveniret" (William of Tocco, Vita B. Thomæ in the Bollandists, March 7, No. 5). This William of Tocco had seen and heard S. Thomas, and in 1319 took a prominent part in the Saint's canonization (see Bollandists, p. 653).
[4] Bernard Guidonis, Boll., No. 7, p. 659, note.
[5] Boll., Nos. 12 and 76.
[6] Ibid., No. 11.
[7] Boll., p. 661.
[8] Ibid., p. 662.
[9] Boll., p. 668.
[10] Boll., pp. 668 and 710.
[11] Boll., No. 53.
[12] Ibid., p. 671.
[13] Boll., p. 668.
[14] Boll., p. 672.
[15] Ps. xlvii.
[16] Boll., p. 672.
[17] Boll., p. 669.
[18] Ibid., p. 667; cp. Ps. lxx, 20.
[19] Boll., p. 675.
[20] Touron, Vie de S. Thomas d'Aquin, Paris, 1740, p. 353.
[21] Boll., p. 706; cp. p. 665.
[22] Prol. to Ia., IIdæ.
[23] Prol. to III. Pars.
[24] Prol. to IIa., IIdæ.
[25] Prol. to IIa. IIdæ.
[26] Prol. to Qu. CLXXI. of the IIda., IIdæ.
[27] Comment. on IIa., IIæ., cxlviii. 4.
[28] Boll., p. 680.
[29] See Bardenhewer, Patrologie, i. 319.
[30] Smith and Wace, Dict. of Christian Biography, i. 847.
[31] Fabricius, Bibliotheca Latina, s.v. Walafridus and Rabanus.
[32] Ibid., s.v. Hugo à S. Caro.
I. Does the Virtue of Religion Direct a Man To God Alone? S. Augustine, sermon, cccxxxiv. 3 on Psalm lxxvi. sermon, cccxi. 14–15
IV. Is Religion a Special Virtue Distinct From Others?
V. Is Religion One of the Theological Virtues?