Edward Westermarck

The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas

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Stephen, op. cit. ii. 97 sq.

      96 Erskine-Rankine, Principles of the Law of Scotland, p. 546.

      97 Bishop, Commentaries on the Criminal Law, § 368, vol. i. 209.

      110 Clark, Analysis of Criminal Liability, p. 70. von Jhering, Das Schuldmoment im römischen Privatrecht, p. 42 sqq. Mommsen Römisches Strafrecht, p. 75 sq. In the Institutiones (i. 22) puberty is fixed at the completion of the fourteenth year for males, and of the twelfth for females. According to the Law of the Twelve Tables, children were punished for theft, though less severely than adults (Gellius, Noctes Atticæ, xi. 18. 8. Pliny, Historia naturalis, xviii. 3).