Edward Westermarck

The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas

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Teutons a man’s highest aspiration was to acquire military glory. The Scandinavians considered it a disgrace for a man to die without having seen human blood flow;98 even the slaying of a tribesman they often regarded lightly when it had been done openly and bravely. In Greece, in ancient times at least, war was the normal relation between different states, and peace an exception, for which a special treaty was required;99 while to conquer and enslave barbarians was regarded as a right given to the Greeks by Nature. The whole statecraft of the early Republic of Rome was no doubt based upon similar principles;100 and in later days, also, the war policy of the Romans was certainly not conducted with that conscientiousness which was insisted upon by some of their writers.

      90 Bancroft, Native Races of the Pacific States, ii. 420. Clavigero, History of Mexico, i. 371.

      91 Clavigero, op. cit. i. 363.

      101 Clavigero, op. cit. i. 370. Bancroft, op. cit. ii. 420, 421, 423.

      102 Cicero, De officiis, i. 11.