Edward Westermarck

The Origin and Development of the Moral Ideas

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ignorance, the doer cannot be punished according to the law.”50

      44 Buchanan, North American Indians, p. 160 sq.

      45 Kohler, in Zeitschr. f. vergl. Rechtswiss. xiv. 448.

      These instances of occasional discrimination in savage justice are particularly interesting in the face of the fact that, even among peoples who have attained a higher degree of culture, innocent persons are often punished by law for bringing about events without any fault of theirs.

      51 Ta Tsing Leu Lee, sec. ccxcii. p. 314.

      52 Ibid. sec. cccxix. p. 347. Cf. ibid. sec. ccxcii. p. 314.

      55 Laws of Ḫammurabi, 206 sqq.

      56 Goitein, Das Vergeltungsprincip im biblischen und talmudischen Strafrecht, p. 25 sq. Keil, Manual of Biblical Archæology, ii. 371.

      58 Laws of Manu, viii. 288.

      59 Ibid. xi. 73 sqq.

      60 Ibid. xi. 90. Gautama, xxi. 7. According to some authorities, however, the wilful slaying of a Brâhmana was expiable by a penance of greater severity (Bühler’s note, in his translation of the ‘Laws of Manu,’ Sacred Books of the East, xxv. 449).

      61 Demosthenes, Contra Aristocratem, 71 sq. p. 643 sq.