S. S. Curry

Browning and the Dramatic Monologue

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For the best of the sight is, all allow,

       At the Shambles’ Gate—or, better yet,

       By the very scaffold’s foot, I trow.

       I go in the rain, and, more than needs,

       A rope cuts both my wrists behind;

       And I think, by the feel, my forehead bleeds,

       For they fling, whoever has a mind,

       Stones at me for my year’s misdeeds.

       Thus I entered, and thus I go!

       In triumphs, people have dropped down dead.

       “Paid by the world, what dost thou owe

       Me?”—God might question; now instead,

       ’Tis God shall repay: I am safer so.

      student glance through the poem, he will find that the Patriot is one who entered the city a year before, and who during this time has done his best to secure reforms, but at the end of the year is led forth to the scaffold. The poem pictures to us the thoughts that stir his mind on the way to his death. He recognizes the same street, he remembers the roses, the myrtle, the house-roofs so crowded that they seem to heave and sway, the flags on the church spires, the bells, the willingness of the multitude to give him even the sun; but he it is who aimed at the impossible—to give his friends the sun. Having done all he could, now comes his reward. There is nobody on the house-tops, and only a few too old to go to the scaffold have crept to the windows. The great crowd is at the gate or at the scaffold’s foot. He goes in the rain, his hands tied behind him, his forehead bleeding from the stones that are hurled at him. The closing thought, so abruptly expressed, the most difficult one in the poem, is a mere hint of what might have happened had he triumphed in the world’s sense of the word. He might have fallen dead—dead in a deeper sense than the loss of life; his soul might have become dead to truth, to noble ideals, and to aspiration. Had he done what men wanted him to do, he would have been paid by the world. He has certainly not done the world’s bidding, and in a few short words he reveals his resignation, his heroism, and his sublime triumph.

      “Now instead,

       ’Tis God shall repay: I am safer so.”

      The first line of the last stanza in the first edition of the poem contained the word “Brescia,” suggesting a reference to the reformer Arnold. But Browning later omitted “Brescia,” because the poem was not meant to be in any sense historical, but rather to represent the reformer of every age whose ideals are misunderstood and whose noblest work is rewarded by death. “History,” said Aristotle, “tells what Alcibiades did, poetry what he ought to have done.” “The Patriot” is not a matter-of-fact narrative, but a revelation of human experience.

      The reader must approach such a poem as a work of art. Sympathetic and contemplative attention must be given to it as an entirety. Then point after point, idea after idea, will become clear and vivid, and at last the whole will be intensely realized.

      For another example of Browning’s short poems take “A Woman’s Last Word.”

      Suppose one tries to read this as if it were an ordinary lyric. One is sure to be greatly confused as to its meaning. What is it all about? The words are simple enough, and while the ordinary man recognizes this, he is all the more perplexed. Perceiving certain merits, he exclaims, “If a man can write such beautiful individual lines, why does he not make his whole story clear and simple?”


      Let’s contend no more, Love,

       Strive nor weep:

       All be as before, Love,

       —Only sleep!

       What so wild as words are?

       I and thou

       In debate, as birds are,

       Hawk on bough!

       See the creature stalking

       While we speak!

       Hush and hide the talking,

       Cheek on cheek.

       What so false as truth is,

       False to thee?

       Where the serpent’s tooth is,

       Shun the tree—

       Where the apple reddens,

       Never pry—

       Lest we lose our Edens,

       Eve and I.

       Be a god and hold me

       With a charm!

       Be a man and fold me

       With thine arm!

       Teach me, only teach, Love!

       As I ought

       I will speak thy speech, Love,

       Think thy thought—

       Meet, if thou require it,

       Both demands

       Laying flesh and spirit

       In thy hands.

       That shall be to-morrow,

       Not to-night:

       I must bury sorrow

       Out of sight:

      —Must a little weep, Love,

       (Foolish me!)

       And so fall asleep, Love,

       Loved by thee.

      In this poem a most delicate relation between two human beings is interpreted. Short though it is, it yet goes deeper into motives, concentrates attention more energetically upon one point of view, and is possibly more impressive than if the theme had been unfolded in a play or novel. It turns the listener or reader within himself, and he feels in his own breast the response to her words.

      All great art discharges its function by evoking imagination and feeling, but it is not always the intellectual meaning which first appears.

      However far apart these two poems may be in spirit or subject, there are certain characteristics common to them; they are both monologues.

      The monologue, as Browning has exemplified it, is one end of a conversation. A definite speaker is conceived in a definite, dramatic situation. Usually we find also a well-defined listener, though his character is understood entirely from the impression he produces upon the speaker. We feel that this listener has said something and that his presence and character influence the speaker’s thought, words, and manner. The conversation does not consist of abstract remarks, but takes place in a definite situation as a part of human life.

      We must realize the situation, the speaker, the hearer, before the meaning can become clear; and it is the failure to do this which has caused many to find Browning obscure.

      For example, observe Browning’s “Confessions.”


      What is he buzzing in my ears?

       “Now that I come to die,