Генри Уодсуорт Лонгфелло

The Complete Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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run into

      the lightning. Here I am in hot chase after my master and his

      Gypsy girl. And a good beginning of the week it is, as he said

      who was hanged on Monday morning.

      (Enter DON CARLOS)

      Don C. Are not the horses ready yet?

       Chispa. I should think not, for the hostler seems to be

      asleep. Ho! within there! Horses! horses! horses! (He knocks at

      the gate with his whip, and enter MOSQUITO, putting on his


       Mosq. Pray, have a little patience. I'm not a musket.

       Chispa. Health and pistareens! I'm glad to see you come on

      dancing, padre! Pray, what's the news?

       Mosq. You cannot have fresh horses; because there are none.

       Chispa. Cachiporra! Throw that bone to another dog. Do I look

      like your aunt?

       Mosq. No; she has a beard.

       Chispa. Go to! go to!

       Mosq. Are you from Madrid?

       Chispa. Yes; and going to Estramadura. Get us horses.

       Mosq. What's the news at Court?

       Chispa. Why, the latest news is, that I am going to set up a

      coach, and I have already bought the whip.

      (Strikes him round the legs.)

      Mosq. Oh! oh! You hurt me!

       Don C. Enough of this folly. Let us have horses. (Gives

      money to MOSQUITO.) It is almost dark; and we are in haste. But

      tell me, has a band of Gypsies passed this way of late?

       Mosq. Yes; and they are still in the neighborhood.

       Don C. And where?

       Mosq. Across the fields yonder, in the woods near Guadarrama.


       Don C. Now this is lucky. We will visit the Gypsy camp.

       Chispa. Are you not afraid of the evil eye? Have you a stag's

      horn with you?

       Don C. Fear not. We will pass the night at the village.

       Chispa. And sleep like the Squires of Hernan Daza, nine under

      one blanket.

       Don C. I hope we may find the Preciosa among them.

       Chispa. Among the Squires?

       Don C. No; among the Gypsies, blockhead!

       Chispa. I hope we may; for we are giving ourselves trouble

      enough on her account. Don't you think so? However, there is no

      catching trout without wetting one's trousers. Yonder come the



      SCENE V. — The Gypsy camp in the forest. Night. Gypsies

      working at a forge. Others playing cards by the firelight.

       Gypsies (at the forge sing).

      On the top of a mountain I stand,

      With a crown of red gold in my hand,

      Wild Moors come trooping over the lea

      O how from their fury shall I flee, flee, flee?

      O how from their fury shall I flee?

       First Gypsy (playing). Down with your John-Dorados, my pigeon.

      Down with your John-Dorados, and let us make an end.

      Gypsies (at the forge sing).

      Loud sang the Spanish cavalier,

       And thus his ditty ran;

       God send the Gypsy lassie here,

       And not the Gypsy man.

       First Gypsy (playing). There you are in your morocco!

       Second Gypsy. One more game. The Alcalde's doves against the

      Padre Cura's new moon.

       First Gypsy. Have at you, Chirelin.

      Gypsies (at the forge sing).

      At midnight, when the moon began

       To show her silver flame,

       There came to him no Gypsy man,

       The Gypsy lassie came.

      (Enter BELTRAN CRUZADO.)

      Cruz. Come hither, Murcigalleros and Rastilleros; leave work,

      leave play; listen to your orders for the night. (Speaking to

      the right.) You will get you to the village, mark you, by the

      stone cross.

       Gypsies. Ay!

       Cruz. (to the left). And you, by the pole with the hermit's

      head upon it.

       Gypsies. Ay!

       Cruz. As soon as you see the planets are out, in with you, and

      be busy with the ten commandments, under the sly, and Saint

      Martin asleep. D'ye hear?

       Gypsies. Ay!

       Cruz. Keep your lanterns open, and, if you see a goblin or a

      papagayo, take to your trampers. Vineyards and Dancing John is

      the word. Am I comprehended?

       Gypsies. Ay! ay!

       Cruz. Away, then!

      (Exeunt severally. CRUZADO walks up the stage, and disappears

      among the trees. Enter PRECIOSA.)

       Prec. How strangely gleams through the gigantic trees

      The red light of the forge! Wild, beckoning shadows

      Stalk through the forest, ever and anon

      Rising and bending with the flickering flame,

      Then flitting into darkness! So within me

      Strange hopes and fears do beckon to each other,

      My brightest hopes giving dark fears a being

      As the light does the shadow. Woe is me

      How still it is about me, and how lonely!

      (BARTOLOME rushes in.)

      Bart. Ho! Preciosa!

       Prec. O Bartolome!

      Thou here?

       Bart. Lo! I am here.

       Prec. Whence comest thou?

       Bart. From the rough ridges of the wild Sierra,

      From caverns in the rocks, from hunger, thirst,

      And fever! Like a wild wolf to the sheepfold.

      Come I for thee, my lamb.

       Prec. O touch me not!

      The Count of Lara's blood is on thy hands!

      The Count of Lara's curse is on thy soul!

      Do not come near me! Pray, begone from here

      Thou art in danger! They have set a price

      Upon thy head!

       Bart. Ay, and I've wandered long

      Among the mountains; and for many days

      Have seen no human face, save the rough swineherd's.

      The wind and rain have been my sole companions.
