Генри Уодсуорт Лонгфелло

The Complete Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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the less he saw the landscape,

       In its gleaming vapor veiled;

      Not the less he breathed the odors

       That the dying leaves exhaled.

      Thus, upon the village common,

       By the school-boys he was found;

      And the wise men, in their wisdom,

       Put him straightway into pound.

      Then the sombre village crier,

       Ringing loud his brazen bell,

      Wandered down the street proclaiming

       There was an estray to sell.

      And the curious country people,

       Rich and poor, and young and old,

      Came in haste to see this wondrous

       Winged steed, with mane of gold.

      Thus the day passed, and the evening

       Fell, with vapors cold and dim;

      But it brought no food nor shelter,

       Brought no straw nor stall, for him.

      Patiently, and still expectant,

       Looked he through the wooden bars,

      Saw the moon rise o'er the landscape,

       Saw the tranquil, patient stars;

      Till at length the bell at midnight

       Sounded from its dark abode,

      And, from out a neighboring farm-yard

       Loud the cock Alectryon crowed.

      Then, with nostrils wide distended,

       Breaking from his iron chain,

      And unfolding far his pinions,

       To those stars he soared again.

      On the morrow, when the village

       Woke to all its toil and care,

      Lo! the strange steed had departed,

       And they knew not when nor where.

      But they found, upon the greensward

       Where his straggling hoofs had trod,

      Pure and bright, a fountain flowing

       From the hoof-marks in the sod.

      From that hour, the fount unfailing

       Gladdens the whole region round,

      Strengthening all who drink its waters,

       While it soothes them with its sound.

       Table of Contents

      I heard a voice, that cried, "Balder the Beautiful Is dead, is dead!" And through the misty air Passed like the mournful cry Of sunward sailing cranes.

      I saw the pallid corpse Of the dead sun Borne through the Northern sky. Blasts from Niffelheim Lifted the sheeted mists Around him as he passed.

      And the voice forever cried, "Balder the Beautiful Is dead, is dead!" And died away Through the dreary night, In accents of despair.

      Balder the Beautiful, God of the summer sun, Fairest of all the Gods! Light from his forehead beamed, Runes were upon his tongue, As on the warrior's sword.

      All things in earth and air Bound were by magic spell Never to do him harm; Even the plants and stones; All save the mistletoe, The sacred mistletoe!

      Hoeder, the blind old God, Whose feet are shod with silence, Pierced through that gentle breast With his sharp spear, by fraud Made of the mistletoe, The accursed mistletoe!

      They laid him in his ship, With horse and harness, As on a funeral pyre. Odin placed A ring upon his finger, And whispered in his ear.

      They launched the burning ship! It floated far away Over the misty sea, Till like the sun it seemed, Sinking beneath the waves. Balder returned no more!

      So perish the old Gods! But out of the sea of Time Rises a new land of song, Fairer than the old. Over its meadows green Walk the young bards and sing.

      Build it again, O ye bards, Fairer than before! Ye fathers of the new race, Feed upon morning dew, Sing the new Song of Love!

      The law of force is dead! The law of love prevails! Thor, the thunderer, Shall rule the earth no more, No more, with threats, Challenge the meek Christ.

      Sing no more, O ye bards of the North, Of Vikings and of Jarls! Of the days of Eld Preserve the freedom only, Not the deeds of blood!

       Table of Contents

       Table of Contents

      O precious evenings! all too swiftly sped!

       Leaving us heirs to amplest heritages

       Of all the best thoughts of the greatest sages,

       And giving tongues unto the silent dead!

      How our hearts glowed and trembled as she read,

       Interpreting by tones the wondrous pages

       Of the great poet who foreruns the ages,

       Anticipating all that shall be said!

      O happy Reader! having for thy text

       The magic book, whose Sibylline leaves have caught

       The rarest essence of all human thought!

      O happy Poet! by no critic vext!

       How must thy listening spirit now rejoice

       To be interpreted by such a voice!

       Table of Contents

      God sent his Singers upon earth With songs of sadness and of mirth, That they might touch the hearts of men, And bring them back to heaven again.

      The first, a youth, with soul of fire, Held in his hand a golden lyre; Through groves he wandered, and by streams, Playing the music of our dreams.

      The second, with a bearded face, Stood singing in the market-place, And stirred with accents deep and loud The hearts of all the listening crowd.

      A gray old man, the third and last, Sang in cathedrals dim and vast, While the majestic organ rolled Contrition from its mouths of gold.

      And those who heard the Singers three Disputed which the best might be; For still their music seemed to start Discordant echoes in each heart,

      But the great Master said, "I see No best in kind, but in degree; I gave a various gift to each, To charm, to strengthen, and to teach.

      "These are the three great chords of might, And he whose ear is tuned aright Will hear no discord in the three, But the most perfect harmony."