Raimon Samsó

The Manifestation Code

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given great power but it doesn't work as you might suppose. Power consists in manifesting changes in the world. Before exploding of joy, consider the condition: the way to get it is by changing yourself first. But let us continue with the two glances: mental and spiritual. You can understand mentally from perception, but only from the knowledge of introspection can you understand spiritually. One thing is what you know and another what you are. Perceiving is fine, but knowing is better. Perceiving is interpreting the world (reading it), but knowing is shaping reality (creating it).

      The second glance is ‘knowing’ from the Spirit, that is not interpretation nor perception, it is pure knowledge.

      "Man's ruling illusion is his conviction that there are other causes and not the state of his own conscience." NEVILLE

      From the first glance, the world is independent from one’s self, from the second glance the world is dependent on one’s self.

      The Spirit does not make mistakes; he always gives the human being what he gave to himself first in his mind. Only the lower self makes mistakes by dispensing of the support of the creative Presence (the wisdom that makes situations mature). Instead of asking yourself how you got into a situation or when you'll get out of it, it’s better that you devote your energy to relating to that situation to unravel yourself so it doesn't happen again. To have a "why" or reason of how it happened what happened will be useless, it is better to know the "why" it happened what happened.

      Ego makes mistakes. Although making mistakes is not the problem, it is the attachment to them, and not withdrawing from the mental position that creates and maintains them. It is not necessary not to make mistakes; rather it is necessary not to want to keep them. Withdrawing from wrong perception is the wisest thing.

      First the spirit, then the matter

      This book wants to take you from the conventional paradigm where suffering and impotence abound, to the paradigm o unlimited realization and power which constitutes your natural heritage. To move from one to the other one, we will have to redefine self-concept, without that perceptive change about identity there is no real progress possible. In a world where self-concept was different, we would have a totally different life experience. Also on your computer when you update the operating system the options increase. When you finish this reading you will have learned how to enter the cosmos’ operating system to change its code; and from there, you will be able to program a new reality for yourself.

      In this section I would like to draw attention to the importance of unidentifying with the matter to identify yourself with the spirit. And establish a cause and effect relationship between the two. This is the secret of secrets to move from a state of survival to one of deliberate manifestation. Because any change in form will be superficial and not lasting.

      "You must be convinced that there is a continuous connection between the invisible reality and its visible manifestation." NEVILLE

      You and I have been led to believe that power is outer. Humanity has magic that it has forgotten to practice and therefore feels incapable of achieving a better life. It believes in bad luck, fate, chance and karma at best... an average person expresses himself like this: "look what happened to me!", without understanding that there is one or many active causes for any effect and that it is in its power to modify them. They feel like victims of a world they don't understand. Do you understand why there is so much useless suffering in the world?

      In order to regain personal power, we must first give up victimhood, because they are incompatible. Everything that happens comes from the responsibility without question of fault. There is no guilt in any point of the universe, it is a concept invented by ego that strives to find guilty people and throw balls out. For your peace of mind, there's only responsibility without guilt.

      We inhabit a benevolent universe

      Consciousness is the only reality, the cause that creates all the effects on the world of things. But the ego thinks it's too pretty to be true and strives to fight to survive in a life of struggle. Thus people prefer to give up its magic by living conditioned lives for a very basic level of conscience. They live like a magician who has forgotten magic.

      You are still a magician.

      Our perfection was established at the beginning of time without end, and it is perfection. The average person strives to "enhance" his unreal self by believing that things will go better for him, but he does not suspect that he already possesses.

      You can change what you manifest, but you cannot change who you are. Improving a fantasy does not make any sense (ego) and what is real (spirit) does not need to be improved as it is perfect. That is the great paradox. Humanity has not stopped seeking the truth in the wrong place: far from itself. When it is accepted that there is no other place to look, excepting within one’s self, the search will end. The discovery of the true identity awaits us in two words, of which I will speak to you more extensively, and which are: "I am". In the "I am" you find everything you seek and need: the magic of manifestation.

      Your world is your conscience manifested. Your material world is a photocopy of your level of conscience. To change it you must go beyond matter. As it is inside, it is outside. And it is written, "as it is in heaven, so is it on Earth", or what is the same, as it is in conscience is in the world. There's nothing out there that doesn't come from conscience. And as Neville says: "it is impossible for you to see anything other than the contents of your conscience." And he adds: "Your life expresses one thing, and one thing only, your state of conscience”.

      The unique reality

      In this book I will refer to reality (invisible) as cause and the world as an effect as an effect. First it's the cause and then it's the effect. Just as it is written in the Bible: "and God calls into being things that were not" (Romans 4:17). We live in a phenomenal world where there is not a single cause of what happens in it. If this revelation does not change everything, it is that you must read it again to understand it.

      A quantum physicist differentiates it like this: Implicate order and explained order. The explained order is what we see, what we touch, what we feel and perceive ... what we call the world. However, the implicate order is the one that is actually creating that explained order, which I will call reality. So everything that is happening right now, and is perceived by our senses, is brewing in the implicate order. Hence the unseen reality is truer than the world of things.

      Consciousness of I Am is the unique reality. The rest? A fiction projected by the conscience.

      To illustrate the concept of the unique reality let me make a simile with an iceberg. You know that only one-ninth of the iceberg floats, the rest is underwater and not visible but essential for the iceberg to float. Since it is not seen, it doesn't seem to exist, but it is there. In fact, the iceberg floats because the unseen holds the visible. Generalizing, in the world of things we only see a projection of what it is and everything we perceive is held in the unseen field of all possibilities. The world you see is countless states of conscience materialized. Individually and collectively.

      "That which you do not claim to be true of causes, where every phenomenon in the yourself can never be realized by you, because that single attitude is the condition needed for which you will accomplish your goal.". NEVILLE

      Conscience is the unique reality and manifestation is the effect: in this book you will learn to create new realities from the Being you are, which is the unique reality, and your connection to Divinity.

      Consciousness uses a creative tool: the conscience, where we put consciousness of being, the conscience manifests a new reality. In the world of things there are only materialized states of conscience. You will understand this cause-effect mechanism through this reading. The self-concept a person has of himself always coincides with the appearance of his world. In fact, we have created the physical universe to reflect in it what we are or rather, we have conscious of being.

      We must bear in mind that life is a heartbeat, which makes us pass from the real to the unreal, from the spirit to the matter. We are continually coming and going out of the reality. And it's a heartbeat so fast