Hillary Potter

Battle Cries

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      Battle Cries

      Battle Cries

       Black Women and Intimate Partner Abuse

      Hillary Potter


      New York and London

      www.nyupress.org © 2008 by New York University All rights reserved

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Potter, Hillary, 1969–

      Battle cries : Black women and intimate partner abuse /

      Hillary Potter.


      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      ISBN–13: 978–0–8147–6729–0 (cl : alk. paper)

      ISBN–10: 0–8147–6729–X (cl : alk. paper)

      ISBN–13: 978–0–8147–6730–6 (pb : alk. paper)

      ISBN–10: 0–8147–6730–3 (pb : alk. paper)

      1. Family violence—United States—Case studies. 2. African American

      women—Abuse of—Case studies. 3. Abused women—United

      States—Case studies. I. Title.

      HV6626.2.P68 2008

      362.82’9208996073—dc22 2008023332

      New York University Press books are printed on acid-free paper, and their binding materials are chosen for strength and durability. We strive to use environmentally responsible suppliers and materials to the greatest extent possible in publishing our books.

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      I dedicate this book to my adoring and devoted parents, Laurette A. Hildebrandt Potter and W. Fred Potter.

      I also dedicate this book to the many resilient women who have come into my life—including those with whom I share a blood bond, those who are in my circle of friends, and those who shared their stories with me to make this book possible.



      1 Introduction: The Call

      2 Black Feminist Criminology and the Power of Narrative: “I Just Wanted to Tell My Story”

      3 Dynamic Resistance: “I’m a Strong Black Woman”

      4 Surviving Childhood: “I Learned to Stand up for Myself”

      5 Living Through It: “He Made Me Believe He Was Something He Wasn’t”

      6 Fighting Back: “You Want to Fight? We Gonna Fight!”

      7 Getting Out: “We Have to Pray to God and Hope Everything Works Out”

      8 Conclusion: The Response

       Appendix A: Research Methods and Demographics

       Appendix B: Pseudonyms and Demographic Information




       About the Author


      Many individuals are to be acknowledged for aiding me in initiating and completing this book. To start, I am greatly indebted to the 40 phenomenal women who candidly and unselfishly shared their life stories with me. Their input provided me with an immense amount of noteworthy information that developed into a personally meaningful journey.

      Of course, the study imparted in this book would not have been possible without my mentor, committee chair, guru, and, most important, friend, Dr. Joanne Belknap. It was by pure coincidence that I first met Dr. Belknap in her graduate course on violence against women, which I took prior to applying for the Ph.D. program in sociology at the University of Colorado at Boulder. It was during this course that I chose to author a paper on intimate partner violence against Black women, a decision that was optimistically supported by Dr. Belknap. Little did I know that that paper and my serendipitous encounter with Dr. Belknap would grow into a treasured research project and a cherished relationship. I am also grateful to Dr. Michael Radelet, who provided valuable feedback and encouragement for this investigative undertaking. The mentoring and support by Drs. Belknap and Radelet led me back to Boulder soon after I completed my doctoral studies and moved on to the next post in my career. It was their tenacity and belief in me as a dedicated scholar that aided me in securing a faculty position in my doctorate-granting program and institution. My years on faculty thus far have been rewarding and rewarded because of the faithful backing of Drs. Belknap and Radelet.

      The transition to writing a first book would not have come to be without Ilene Kalish, my editor at NYU Press, and the anonymous reviewers of earlier manuscripts of this work. The suggestions by Ms. Kalish and the reviewers unmistakably strengthened the presentation of my study. Specifically, Ms. Kalish helped me transform my earlier drafts into a piece of work that remains loyal both to academic standards and to the voices and experiences of the women interviewed. Indeed, it was Ms. Kalish who renamed my theoretical concept of “multiplicative resistance,” a quite cumbersome designation, into the more suitable term “dynamic resistance.” Ms. Kalish has gone beyond what I believed an editor was and did. She is owed much praise for her belief in my abilities as an academic and for her enthusiasm for my project.

      My deepest appreciation goes to my family, which is certainly my foundation of support. My parents are first and foremost responsible for the accomplishments I have achieved in my life. I am thankful for the strength, resilience, forthrightness, and unwavering adoration exhibited and bestowed by my mother, Laurette Potter. To my father, Fred Potter, I am grateful for his exemplary work ethic, vigor, and tacit, but undeniable, love and support. To be sure, the reverent, stable, and equitable 50 years of marriage between my parents have not been lost on me. Also, my brother, Jason Potter, has unquestionably always “been there” for me. If not for my big brother, who relentlessly reminded me to relax, laugh,