Nathaniel Bright Emerson

Unwritten Literature of Hawaii - The Sacred Songs of the Hula

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of the pa-ú respectively Ku-kápu-úla-ka-láni and Léle-a-mahu'i.

      According to another method, which was simpler and more commonly employed, the piece was folded sidewise and, being gathered into pleats, a cord was inserted the length of the fold. The cord was passed about the waist, knotted at the hip, and thus held the garment secure.


      While the girls are making their simple toilet and donning their unique, but scanty, costume, the kumu, aided by others, soothes the impatience of the audience and stimulates their imagination by cantillating a mele that sets forth in grandiloquent imagery the praise of the pa-ú.

      Oli Pa-ú

      I ka pa-ú noenoe i hooluu'a,


      Malama o lilo i ka pa-ú.

      Pali ku kahakó liaka a-i,


      Akahi ke ana, ka luhi i ka pa-ú:

      Ka ho-oio i ke kapa-wai,


      I hopu 'a i ka ua noe holo poo-poo,

      Me he pa-ú elehiwa wale i na pali.

      Ohiohi ka pali, ki ka liko o ka lama,

      I hopu a omau ia e ka maino.


      Holo ke oloná, paa ke kapa.

      Hu'a lepo ole ka pa-ú;


      Opua ke ahi i na pali,

      I hookau kalena ia e ka makani,

      I kaomi pohaku ia i Wai-manu,


      I na alá, i alá lele

      Lalau o Ha'i i ka ohe,


      I kauhihi ia ia ohe laulii, ia ohe.


      I apahu ia a poe,


      He pola ia no ka pa-ú;

      E hii ana e Ka-holo-kua-iwa,

      Ke amo la e Pa-wili-wlli


      Kau poku a hana ke ao,

      Kau iluna o Hala'a-wili,

      I owili hana haawe.

      Ku-ka'a, olo-ka'a wahie;


      Uwá, kamalii, hookani ka pihe,

      I ka mahalo i ka pa-ú,

      Pi'o anuenue a ka ua e ua nei.

      This is a typical Hawaiian poem of the better sort, keyed in a highly imaginative strain. The multitude of specific allusions to topographical names make it difficult to translate it intelligently to a foreign mind. The poetical units are often so devised that each new division takes its clue from the last word of the previous verse, on the principle of "follow your leader," a capital feature in Hawaiian poetry.


      Pa-ú Song

      Gird on the pa-ú, garment tucked in one side,

      Skirt lacelike and beauteous in staining,

      That is wrapped and made fast about the oven.

      Bubbly as foam of falling water it stands,


      Quintuple skirt, sheer as the cliff Kupe-hau.

      One journeyed to work on it at Honokane.

      Have a care the pa-ú is not filched.

      Scent from the robe Manú climbs the valley walls--