of flowable composite were applied and light cured for 20 seconds each. (o) Anatomical stratification buildup using two different resin composite systems.
Fig 1-3 (cont) (p and q) The final occlusal layer, a translucent A1-shaded hybrid resin composite (Kalore), was applied to the first molar with a long-bladed interproximal instrument and invaginated with an endodontic file while the material was still soft. This same procedure was performed on the second premolar using a translucent A1-shaded flowable resin composite (G-aenial Universal Flo). A diluted ochre tint (Kolor + Plus, Kerr) was applied into specific regions of the invaginations with an endodontic file and polymerized for 40 seconds. (r) The completed restorations reveal the harmonious integration of two different resin composite systems with existing tooth structure. (s) A 2-year clinical follow-up. Note the cavosurface wear at the incline of the distolingual cusp of the molar with the conventional hybrid composite, whereas the premolar shows no clinical evidence of wear.
Fig 1-4 (a to f) A 5-year review of posterior resin composite restorations using a flowable resin composite system (G-aenial Universal Flo) with an incremental layering technique. Note the minimal wear.
Only time can provide the answers of knowledge, wisdom, and truth. Knowledge of the past and a desire to create are limited by the materials clinicians have available to them for restorative procedures. Advancements in resin composite technology continue to improve the practice of dentistry. Continuing technologic breakthroughs allow the clinician not only to comprehend the building blocks of the ideal composite restoration but also to implement and maximize the potential of new materials to attain more predictable and esthetic results. Although new ideas and concepts continually flood the marketplace, one should not discount the power a new biomaterial may have on planning, design, or procedure. These developments promise to simplify the clinical applications for esthetic and restorative techniques and ultimately improve the level of health care provided to the contemporary dental patient. Because only the passage of time can determine the success of a material, future clinical trials will be required to determine the long-term benefits of these new flowable resin formulations. The clinical applications provided in the following chapters demonstrate the potential of these flowable nanoparticle composite formulations to expand treatment options for a wider range of clinical situations.
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