target="_blank" rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_0e008798-dbeb-5fd5-9058-4a3f18ed361e">157. Pages 20–22, 34–37.
158. Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 703.
159. Buber, “Interrogation of Martin Buber,” 18.
160. Buber, “Postscript,” 137.
161. Schaeder, Hebrew Humanism, 148.
162. Buber, “Interrogation of Martin Buber,” 18.
163. Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 689; see page 34.
164. Buber, “Afterword,” 214 (my translation).
165. See Buber, “What is Common to All,” 89–109; Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 692–93, 701.
166. Buber, “Postscript,” 127 (translation modified, emphasis mine); on Buber’s appeal to the reader’s own inner witness or attestation, see also Buber, Good and Evil, 117–18.
167. Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 701.
168. McDonald, “Søren Kierkegaard,” para. 11.
169. Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 701 (emphasis added).
170. Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 693.
171. Ricoeur, “Hermeneutical Function,” 143.
172. Ricoeur, “Hermeneutical Function,” 143 (emphasis his).
173. Ricoeur, “Hermeneutical Function,” 143 (emphasis his).
174. Friedman, “Bases of Buber’s Ethics,” 199.
175. Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 693 (emphasis added); see also 690, 692.
176. Buber, Tales of the Hasidim, 1:107.
177. Buber, “Foundation Stone,” 84–85.
178. Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 691.
179. Buber, “Herut,” 150 (my translation).
180. Buber, “Afterword,” 214 (my translation); Buber is here quoting from his 1907 introduction in Legend of the Baal-Shem, 13.
181. Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 689.
182. Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 692.
183. Buber, Daniel, introduced on 64; developed throughout the second and third dialogues, 61–99.
184. Buber, “Afterword,” 216.
185. Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 692–93.
186. Buber, “Replies to My Critics,” 693.
187. Martin Buber to Malcolm Diamond, September 19, 1957, in Buber, Briefwechsel aus sieben Jahrzehnten, 3:438 (translation and emphasis mine). This letter is not included in the English edition, Letters of Martin Buber. See Buber, quoted in Friedman, Encounter, 335.
188. Kaufmann, I and Thou, 85n5.
189. Wood lists all but the one at §25; see Wood, Martin Buber’s Ontology, 28.
190. Wood, Martin Buber’s Ontology, 28.
191. Buber, “My Way to Hasidism,” 59–60.
192. This passage is a reworking of an account in Daniel, 140–41.
193. Wood, Martin Buber’s Ontology, 85.
194. Pages 48–50.
195. Wood, Martin Buber’s Ontology, 29, 32.
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